Session 49 Report

General Summary

Triple's Log

So I guess my opinion is popular, everyone is just as afraid of being red dragon food as I am! So we’re evacuating them now. We just needed to get everyone from Leurbost back to that ship, easy enough right? At first it seemed so, we even got to go birdwatching for a while.   But then one night: I was awoken by a giant fight around me. There was a pack of kobolds that were shooting arrows at us.   Ord was tough and was just willingly taking a million traps and arrows because her powerful instincts and indigenous battle tactics told her that being a living pincushion would strike fear in the enemy and show how she was invincible (so strong!) Swift was cool and just making fun of the attackers (so cool!) Shabaka looked like he knew exactly what to do (so smart!). All of them did this without ME.   So, I ran away. No, not like that this time. Not like the uh… dragon skeleton time that I don’t wanna talk about. Rather, I ran up to one of those Kobolds and started to hit him. As expected, the Kobolds would keep attacking and then running away. So instead of just chasing it around everywhere, I tried to knock it down with my Decanter of Endless Water. But then the fighting just suddenly stopped. The UNIVERSE must have just thought that my Decanter maneuver was uncool or something, because just then, the Kobold leader guy started falling in love with that scary mare who made this scary cabin.   Well guys, it gets worse, some of the civilians just must have hated the way we all fought because they just ran away. Swift, Ord, Shabaka, and The Dragon Who Does Good started to chase after them. Swift said I could come along, CLEARLY just feeling bad for me because of how I ruined the team’s image and stuff. Yeah, I’m quite certain of that. Well anyways, everyone was arguing about magic and whatever spellcasters worry about. At that point, I just tried to rest and drew this with my new pencil the nice dragon gave me.  

Swift's Log

With all the civilians in tow, we set off from Leurbost to bring them towards Rippen Point where the airship would meet them. Shabaka took a moment to get with the town’s alchemist about the mycena he’d been carrying, looking to make use of it for the party while Sister asked the vultures if there was anything more she could do for them and their meal of the dragons we’d killed. Our travels started off smooth, no major carriage or wagon malfunctions kept our pace swift and no dragons or small gargoyle-bat things kept us safe… that was until we reached our meeting point. As we slept the night before awaiting the airship, the lot of us were woken up by an ambush of kobolds! Of all things these bastardous little rats. These ones were perhaps more annoying than any goblins or other kobold’s we’d seen yet with their traps and cowardly strike-and-retreat maneuvers.   I swear I haven’t seen Ord get that annoyed from a fight yet, I could feel the heat of her blood boiling from across the camp! I was busy dueling with a few kobolds at once, and their cowardly maneuvers cost them a few times as they mistakenly took me for a fool, earning a few sharp ripostes in the process! Out of the corner of my eye I could even see Triple charging towards a pair of assailants, very nice to see him being less timid. Funnily enough, of all the things to end combat it was Cher in her silly dragon skull charming the pants off of one of the Kobolds, the leader I guess, into having him halt the battle. I was really just starting to get into it too… but it was looking to be a long tussle and by the Gods was I tired. As Cher was chatting with the kobold, I spotted a pair of purrsians running off into the night! As quick as lightning I shot across the camp with a few others, darting out in front of them to slow them to a stop. They were utterly frightened by the battle they’d just been in witness to, and there’s no doubt it was a scary situation for the commoners though I was able to calm them down and assure them their safety.   We escorted them back to camp just for Cher to call for an interrogation. I swear we’ve all rubbed off on each other way too much between a flare of Moon Planter and Tangent like behavior among the party. I thought it was unnecessary, but relented. Cher called me more names as children do, and I rolled my eyes as at least Seelah was there with her to keep the peace. Apparently the kobolds came in search of Jinx and Misty, the two kirins Cher had ‘married’ and the same two that were wanted for kidnapping Dr. Amden. It gets me quite frustrated knowing if we ever find them, she’ll be stout in defending them…   The rest of the night passed without danger and the airship found us the following morning. After loading them all up we instructed the captain to take them to Rippen Point. It was then we learned a rather harrowing bit of news, that Holbeck had also been evacuated to Rippen Point, and my mind immediately jumped to the fear we could feel well over 50 miles away that we all suspected came from that town. Now we’ve got some prioritization to do…  

Shabaka's Log

As the residents prepare for the journey to the juncture between Rippen Point and Leurvast, a few of us in the party took that time to perform some tasks of ours. Sister called upon a flock of vultures to eat the fleshy remains of our once fiery foes. During this sudden feeding frenzy, I suggest to Sister to clean the pools of blood for the birds don’t have straw to slurp it up, when suddenly a wild Lem dare approaches me, questioning my spellcasting abilities. Concluding that pulling his leg would be the most logical response, I pull out a Wizard Spellcasting Book, perplexing the oblivious Lem with my wizardry. I thought that’d been the end of it when promptly our senior druid eagerly shows confusion by comparing my fantastical, mind breaking works with that of a Bard’s, which Lem unwisely makes the fatal mistake of underestimating my performance in the musical arts. Not taking this lying down I call him out on his dumb statement and pull out my cherished fife. Still, he doubles down and foolishly challenges me to a musical bout. I swiftly proceed to school the meager bard at his own game, producing well-crafted melodies that his voice simply couldn’t carry a tune to. After my exertion of rhythmic dominance, I aptly make my way to the alchemy shop to meet with the town chemist, spotting him toiling with some concoction. In spite of recent announcements to prepare for evacuation, the alchemist was acutely immersed in his craft. Aware that we have time, I request for him to create turn my Mycena into something applicable for battle, to which the oversized-glasses-sporting sphinx agreed to fulfill free of charge, but not before giving me quite the scare by pulling out some huge explosive and then proceeding to haphazardly dropping it in response to its sweltering heat. Aren’t alchemists supposed to be smart?   Not long after my productive visit with the neighborhood alchemist, we began our march through the scorching desert, leaving some of our fellow allies such as Tangent, Moon Planter, and Fireheart to safeguard the arid city of Leurvast and its citizens. Throughout the trip to our gathering place, the evacuees were kept nourished with the help of Sister Ash and her ever flowing container of water, and though our shoddy convoy was made up of ineffectual noncombatants that a mischief of large rats can nibble to death, yet for the most part our journey was uneventful. Seelah kept vigilant for the evil presence she sensed from before is still present, so having an inkling, just an inkling, of who this mysterious dastardly pest could be, I try to ease her stress by insuring her that they won’t act against us since they’ll reap no benefits of doing so.   We arrived at the agreed destination, but since our chauffeur wasn’t present at the moment we decided to camp for the night. Me, Sister, and Swift decided to take on watch duty, with Sister handling the 1st shift of the night. With her watch containing nothing of note, I simply prepare to takeover watch duty for her. Prior to Sister turning in for the night, I discussed matters about the Mycena and where we can properly cultivate the memory eating mushrooms, when a sprinkle of arrows soars through the air, trying to find cushion within my very flesh, yet they all went wide, only hitting air. As I took wildly turned to find my assailants, I soon realized that we were ambushed by scores of kobolds, and a battalion of wheelch- no wait those are the caravans with the refugees inside. The desert heat’s getting to me. Yea that’s it.   Though the numbers of participants in this skirmish was nothing to sneeze at, it concluded rather smoothly with the exception of one casualty on the intruders’ side, but not for the lack of trying, but rather the kobolds were seemingly ill-prepared in spite of getting the jump on us. The fighters of our entourage rouse from their slumber, with Swift being the 1st to awaken, calling out the assaulters as he geared up for the upcoming battle. If Swift was drowsy, he didn’t show even a hint of it affecting him. Soon as he risen from his slumber, he skated along the battleground with his rapier and messy bed mane in tow, effortlessly performing his dastardly maneuvers in brilliant fashion, and taunting his foes with well-timed quips as per usual for the bastard. Even when one of the assaulters trapped and grappled the cheeky swashbuckler, he miraculously avoided much of their strikes, even counterattacking, punishing the mishaps of one of the kobold warriors. Triple bravely takes the fight to them. Undeterred by the lack of light, Triple puts on a great frontal assault, landing deadly strikes with his rapier and utilizing the endless water canteen as a water cannon. Few of the kobolds performed hit and run tactics on Ord’s backside and face, for they were sizable targets that were easy to hit. Ord, becoming immensely annoyed with their seeming cowardice, becomes enraged and attempts to clobber the little reptiles in her fury, though she was obstructed by several trap that fenced our spot. I was discombobulated by what was going on that I tried to stay out of enemy sights by taking cover under on of the caravans to get my wits about me, but it only made me an easy target. With Lem sustaining me with Soothe, I turned myself invisible and cast Agonizing Despair upon one of the kobolds harassing Swift, killing it right on the spot. Sister charms the assumed leaser of the kobolds to put halt their assault, but only resulted in the spellcaster giving her the preference to withhold from attacking her. Cher, observing Ash from her cabin, follows Sister’s example and casts charm on the magical kobold as well, this time completely enrapturing it under her spell. Shortly afterwards the spell weaver calls off the invasion for Cher was “cute”.   During the process of our truce, 2 of the evacuees make a run for it into the night of the desert, frightened by the commotion we were making. As soon as we noticed, the lot of us take off to catch up to the two. Even though Cher’s dragon was no slouch in the speed department, Swift was the 1st to reach them, getting ahold of the two and comforting them to come back, for being out in the desert alone is dangerous, bringing them back to the campsite. At this time Cher and Sister discussed with the kobolds to figure out the reason that they schemed all of this. They were hunting down two individuals and they thought they’ve seen them within our company. All the descriptions that we were given match up with what we know about the twins that most of us knew of and only Cher “loved”. With the two sisters back in the base, Sister tries to find any magical traces on the two in case they have magically disguised themselves, which was soon proven to be not the case. Even then Cher insisted that along with Seelah and the ensnared kobold, the 2 sphinx sisters should enter into her cabin to discuss about all the confusion and to help keep the felines protected, though that rationale was only a front to cover up that she truthfully wants to know wholeheartedly whether these two are her “wives”, which was the likely reason she didn’t want the best personnel (ME!) to contribute to her cause. Although everything was cleared up and it was proven without a doubt that the two cats weren’t who they were looking for, the kobolds weren’t going to leave without bringing anything of worth back to their leader Heatfang. Cher, still holding on to those worthless gems from a cave exploit a long while ago, used that as a sort of bartering chip to deceive the kobolds that it should suffice. Without much of a second thought they usurp the jewels and went on their merry way. The rest of the night went on without a hitch, and in the following day, the airship has arrived. Though initially feeling accomplished with a part of a job well done, we were soon hit with some really upsetting news: Rippen Point was filled to the brim with those that have resided from Holbeck.

The Bannermanes
Report Date
28 Aug 2021
Primary Location

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