Session 80 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

Goodness it’s been a minute since I’ve sat down to write this out… Before leaving the caves near Arkala we took another crack at the locks and traps of treasure, determined to take some victory back with us. Triple was left to his own to handle the lock and did fine work of it. Ping Wing was recruited to help with the magical sigil traps on the chests. I thought it be a good opportunity to practice me own knowledge—though I guess it was a bit too advanced. A bad piece of advice nearly burned the bird to death. He didn’t say anything, but I did see me name get written down on a list. Ah he’ll be fine I’m sure, it wasn’t intentional! We did find loot well worthy of the effort it took to get in, and still ANOTHER rapier to be claimed for me collection, and many more ideas to spur through my mind. We found some good coinage and treasures to be sold, as well as returned to ponies that may have lost them. We set off back to Marlton to report the news and collect our kirin. Along the way I did have a chance to have a good heart to heart with Moon Planter over his… kirin troubles. The lad just needs a bit of guidance and reinforcement, but he should be fine, with my help.   Retuning to Marlton, we caught up with the sheriff to deliver the news. I felt disappointed we couldn’t bring glory to those lost Bannermanes but hoped we could do good by our guild in the way of returning some of the lost goods of our own. The challenges they faced were incredible, and their courage of going out to face it shouldn’t be lost by this town. The sheriff went about setting up a way to distribute lost loot, and we caught up with Fireheart—and yet another kirin, and a Bannermane nonetheless! She hails from Why and leaves me wondering ‘why’ so many damned cute kirins find their way to this party. The next morning over breakfast the lot of us were at one table chatting away, though I encouraged Moon Planter to carry out a conversation with Fireheart at a separate table and to forget his past failures in doing so. Watching on I was happy with how he did, though his composure faltered from a few comments picked up by the peanut gallery. I tried to quell them at least. I instead opted to begin sharing tales of our past journeys with the newest party member who was all too happy to scribble the stories down in her book! With a broken horn as well, this one seems to have stories all her own waiting to be told.   The party set off towards Arkala, entering town we met with the sheriff and the town seemed mildly better put together than Marlton. We presented the treasures we’d recovered and reported what occurred in the caves, unable to identify anyone we could at least make grim assumptions. More treasures were returned, and we learned of the mainstitch Moon Shadow that had gone to Wati a few months ago, yet to return. I’m not a fan of so many missing creatures… We were given lodgings for the night and Moon Planter sold off some spare treasures. I took it upon me-self to carry the bulk of what we had from now on. As a former merchant ship captain it seems plenty logical—and not a lot of ponies like to deal with the hassle. The morning after we had some... interesting waffles with an interesting shape in them, something of a local treat I suppose, they were just fine. We heard warnings of gobbos to the west in the direction we were headed. Sure enough a few days down the line we did find one in a fork in the path, a lone gobbo strung up with spears and other traps aimed at him. Triple had found so many traps along the way. At this point the lot of us were in need of some entertainment and engaged with the gobbo. He seemed to fancy Duk, and Ping Wing got incredibly jealous. When he was cut free we all carelessly let him go even though it was very predictable that he’d stalk us. Sure enough the next night Moon Planter had to smack the gobbo around as it tried to attack Ping Wing. I heard there was some infection or disease to have taken care of but they seemed alright by the time I’d awoken.   Along the way there was still more entertainment to be had as we passed by a trio of ruffians harassing a pony inside an outhouse. We tried to break them up but they didn’t want to. Sensing an opportunity to put on a show, I challenged their leader to a one-on-one duel. It was absolutely trivial but I did my best to perform, the storm clouds forming in the middle of the desert helped just that. I disarmed him flawlessly and taunted him to take another shot at it. He opted to resort to fists, as did I. A smack and swing sent him running off with his tail between his legs with his goons. Our attention then turned to the outhouse and the pony inside it. He showed a valuable vase and a letter instructing him to deliver it to Tabu in Dakalai. We recalled learning of some of our artifacts and treasures that had been missing from Holbeck, stolen from their own in attempts to preserve them… It’s all confusing but we’ll figure it out before long. Though we did learn of a group that have taken up outposts along the tracks and road causing trouble. We’ll have to be careful in our approach.

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