Session 21 Report

General Summary

This journey is becoming frustrating. I'm trying to work with Grot to bring Buckback down. Grot's an evil little booger, but she has strong instincts. If there's one thing I've learned while traveling the wilds in Astillon, it's to trust your instincts. She and I are convinced that our new "friend" Clarity, a Priestess of Kara, is indeed Buckback. Her ability to change shape as well as disguise her voice makes too much sense. I can't get this itch off the back of my neck. I want to take down this bastard fast so we can get back to finding Aetherstone. Grot and I came up with a plan to hire musicians to sing songs that would annoy Buckback as well as worshipers of Kara so we could get under Clarity's skin. Unfortunately, the so called "BARDS" at this college all seem a little too limp to take on this job. I offered 6 gold, and got 0 takers. There's not a single mischief maker among them. No one of courage. What happened to the Warrior Poets of yesteryear who would ride into battle and paint glorious canvasses of blood alongside their fellow adventurers? The Bards of this day and age have all gone soft. No amount of gold could peak their interest, not even the loathsome toad of a poet who's only job is to suck all emotions out of the air and leave nothing but misery in its wake. With our options in the Bard College gone, we headed to the piers to find any trace of The Children being sang. The piers were covered in guards and investigators. One Zebra in particular stood out. Grot and I searched near Dock 9. I flew above the crowd and began whistling The Children to see if anyone would whistle it back to me. The Guards quickly ordered me back down as flying is forbidden at the moment. I complied and continued searching, but to no avail. Grot began growling at a dock worker who made some comment she didn't like. I promised that we could deal with him if we ever found him alone on the water. She agreed, and the guards shooed us away.   Grot and I entered a tavern that is close to Dock 9. With luck, we'll find some out of work sailors who'd be willing to turn on Buckback. At the bar, we saw Cher's Familiar. Amelia was drinking and shaking her Uncanny Valley tail while conversing with the bartender. She had managed to find the Sailors we're looking for, but warned us against singing The Children as it would draw the wrong kind of attention. My brilliant idea was immediately snuffed, as Amelia implored us not to draw unneeded attention to ourselves. As much as it pains me, we'll have to use discretion for the time being. Cher herself is hiding off somewhere to avoid the guards. No sign of Tangent or Shabaka, but Shabaka's Familiar joined us. We were unclear about her name at first, but it seems she's going with Ebony. I preferred Snè Ki, but to each their own.   These 3 sailors were drinking out of boredom save for one who had a sour demeanor about him. We sat down and offered them some drinks. We confirmed these 3 were part of the Black Cat crew who worked aboard The Hazel Lady. The sober one was a talented musician with a Recorder, but refused to accept the 6 gold to sing and play any music mocking Buckback. Buckback is apparently a master of kickbacks, as anyone under his employ is receiving less than legal monetary gain. I stabbed the table in frustration but was warned by the barkeeper to settle down. A couple silver shut him up, but now the guards were watching.   Shabaka entered the tavern, and approached. Thankfully, he has the gift of gab so we started gaining more ground. I recall staring at my hooves and Grot being called my daughter. She should be so lucky. The poor girl looks nothing like me. Regardless, Shabaka was able to discover these 3 were part of Black Market we've been searching for. All we need are masks and invisibility. Who knew? Moon Planter02/12/2021 Tangent joined us from the bathroom during talks, and we decided to head out. Cher has attempted to temper our plans at destroying the Revenge of the Roc. She's not convinced Buckback and Clarity are the same person, but she has offered the idea of arranging a meeting with Buckback so Grot can smell him and find out if he and Clarity have the same scent. If they do, then there will be no doubt. We regrouped and headed for the Revenge of the Roc. I have to stay hidden from Buckback for the time being since I helped destroy the Hazel Lady. We intended to turn Grot invisible, and get her inside. Unfortunately, the Revenge of the Roc is crawling with guards, and closed. I'm at a loss. Casinos are supposed to be open late into the night, and it's barely 7pm. Tangent suggested it's possible the Revenge of the Roc is tied to the explosion of the Hazel Lady.   The roof is covered in guards, so a roof entry isn't possible. The front door is locked, so my Mage Hand is useless. Tangent transformed into a bug and managed to crawl inside. She was in there for a several minutes, but I don't know of her progress. Grot is still invisible, and we're desperately trying to get her in there. Cher is attempting to charm her way in, but the guards are treating her like some kind of conspiracy nut. We're running out of time on these spells, and I don't know if Tangent is going to safely get out. My mind is scrambling for ideas. I'm prepared to throw rocks and fly away if I have to.

Character(s) interacted with

The Maritime Minstrels

The Bannermanes
Report Date
09 Feb 2021
Primary Location

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