Session 45 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

With the teleporter in Dakalai set up, and the knowledge of the dragons terrorizing Wati, we were left with a long term goal, but no immediate quest otherwise. Amden didn’t have any specific instruction, and the mainstitch of the High Rollers shared his wisdom that we definitely should focus on getting stronger before desperately throwing ourselves into Wati just to die. He did request we check on a town neighboring town. Tangent and Cher slipped off somewhere—I think it was to check on the charge and Kara, while Moon Planter, Triple, and I stayed to plan out our next steps in which we were in agreement that going up to Weldstone to clear out the cave was a good first step before heading to the town. In our planning, we goaded The Kirin to step through the teleporter and challenge Amden to a battle of wits and magic. I was very close to following, but decided against it as I thought it’d put a bit too much attention on me-self. He wasn’t gone long anyhow as Amden threw him back and decided to oust me mother as a mainstitch anyways! Bastard, blowing my secrets like that… Has he not learned his lesson? It looks like he hasn’t…   With our plans set, we climbed back in the airship and began our voyage to Weldstone, a relatively peaceful journey outside of Cher’s constant nightmares waking us up… Barqs was in Weldstone to greet us. After a brief conversation in which I mentioned seeing ponies traveling up from Rippen Point, we set off to the mines. We were able to quickly traverse the tunnels as we found the familiar tracks that led us to the pile of dead spiders we’d left at our last journey. We all recalled the other blocked off path with the much larger mushrooms beyond which was out next choice of direction. The group made quick work of doing away with the sandbags and burning away the giant memory mycina that resided. We went about without being accosted, Tangent miraculously hadn’t wandered off to find a spider early.   We soon came across a small pool in the cavern which invoked a sense of fear in all of us, and with none of us expecting anything other than spiders or golems we moved ahead, we thought that to be the case moving forward. Instead we were met with a husk of a dragon skull who began communicating through foreboding whispers with Cher. In retrospect, it was probably dumb to think so bravely of ourselves considering how close we came to… tragedy, but our egos and bravados kept us engaged long enough for the dragon’s undead body to reanimate with intent to harm Cher and get his revenge on Morlog.   We sprung into battle with the dragon having a quick first crack at putting Cher down with a pair of nasty hits. The inspired bravery that we showed entering the battle carried on as a number of us put in strong, damning hits to crack at the bones of the dragon. That bravery hadn’t seemed to get through Triple Seven’s head however.. nearly running out on us in the middle of battle before pitifully throwing his daggers and rapier from afar. Moon Planter pulled off an excellent maneuver to back him off from Cher, his intended target, and gave us the chance to block his path. Though he was ferocious, and Fireheart made that very clear, he began knocking us down like dominos, me included. In fact my lights went out before Moon Planter and Ord, and when I came back to it, it was Triple Seven standing over me and the dragon down… a puzzling sight.   Fireheart had filled us in, that Moon Planter and Ord went down almost immediately after I did while the dragon lumbered over to Cher, mouth open, teeth ready to bear down on her soul. It was then that Triple came back into action and landed the critical, deciding blow into the husk that sent it crumbling back to death. So far this had been the closest I’ve seen this party come to death, in fact that encounter with the sand golems in our last visit really gives this place a deservedly scary reputation, but with that a ton of stories to tell.   We took stock, QUITE the haul from this battle, but the dragon had mentioned something had caused him to die. I was a bit upset we couldn’t find common ground with him in our future fight with Morlog and Fireheart insisted he not be let back up to try. Well maybe we can exercise his soul so he won’t come back and ruin the rest of our trip through the mines. Though for now… we all need some rest.

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