Session 122 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

A good chunk of us including Tangent, Triple, Electra, and Madame Fortuna went ahead to the auction that had apparently been taken over by Thumbtack. Jinx commented about how anything Misty would want, Buckback would buy for her, and I could sense some ire at that fact. Once inside, Magnifique invited Jinx and I to join her on the balcony level with Buckback and Misty… And where the thought of Jinx, Misty, Buckback, and myself sharing a balcony seemed explosive, it was only really Misty the most frazzled after that morning in The Succubus where Jinx and I’s picture was taken for the Kalidaily, ousted as a couple, and expecting parents. The auction began and continued without much issue. I managed to secure a beautiful Everbloom Bouquet for Jinx, a beautiful set of flowers that never wither or lose their luster. This was much to the dismay of Misty, but I thought Jinx had been overshadowed enough before not getting her own bit of attention. Down below it seemed like everyone else was having their own fun between Fortuna having a giant jug of wine and Triple a giant cart of snacks before he snuck off backstage to snoop around after seeing that some of the auctioned items were actually items belonging to us that Thumbtack had stolen! Absolutely unacceptable behavior for the little bastard (Thumbtack). One item put up for auction, the most sought-after was Tangent Nights, a panting by our own Saint Tangent. A bidding war instantly began between Buckback, and the hooded figure sitting in the audience who seemed to be the same from The Succubus. When Buckback announces a bid of 10,000-gold, the figure stands up, throws back their hood, reveals themselves to be Lisa, and bids 20,000-gold! In the end, Lisa outbids Buckback with a 100,000-gold bid. I was shocked along with the rest of the crowd. Meanwhile Mango was equally shocked, stunned, and even a bit upset at such an amount of money being spent when he’s expecting to inherit that money through marriage.   We could see the next item coming up for bid was a lion statue. Misty being a fan of big kitties was immediately eager for this however Buckback having just lost his bid for Tangent Nights was immediately shutting her down. She was pulling out all the stops in begging and pleading, but he held firm… Honestly can’t say I would’ve been able to in his position. Not a minute later does Misty send me a Sending asking for me to buy it for her. A desperate request truly but it came with an interesting offer of ‘spilling the beans’ about her boss. A very advantageous offer then! And Jinx signed off on it knowing I wasn’t doing so with any ulterior motive. And oF COURSE as I start to bid, and it’s about to be sold to me for 200 gold, Fortuna up bids me to 300 gold. That DAMN BOX.   Triple and Mango had a conversation about Mango’s frustration off to the side. Mango gets fed up and reveals himself to be Crazy Eights! She reveals that Mango was never really at the ball, and it was her the whole time. They get into a small spat between each other before Eights comes to talk to Buckback, as Mango. At the time I was unaware of the secret identity. That struck me as very odd until I met up with Misty during the break and she revealed to me a LOT of very valuable information. Information that surely would’ve gotten her scolded at by Buckback, and information that pieced the whole weekend together for me personally. Meanwhile Electra secured Sarsaparilla’s book back during the silent auction thanks to Kaffe purchasing it. Jinx and I also stepped away for a small break including a cigar smoke break, and some other activities. Otherwise, I had managed to talk to Buckback about The Godfather, and he said we could meet before the runway to discuss more.   At some point apparently Ivory Drop showed up and had a talk with Electra regarding more time-continuity concerns. Something about “4 more” and Electra needing to relay that message to us. Otherwise the 2nd half of the auction mostly featured clothing. Adventurers' clothes from various designers including Magnifique and Nettlekiss. Towards the end of the ball, Triple convinces Lisa to join the Bannermanes, and Lisa revealed herself to be involved with the auction’s fraudulence, scamming Buckback along with Thumbtack.  

The Bannermanes
Report Date
22 Jul 2023

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