Session 118 Report

General Summary

Planter's Log

After the intensity of battle, I was looking forward to some time for recovery, but no sooner had I started to catch my breath than I heard Madame Fortuna calling for me. I caught up to the party at the CIA (Calligrapher Intelligence Agency) headquarters. Swift Sail said he needed me for an imposter that was suspected to be in Dakilai. I spotted Thumbtack hiding something in his bags while Dragon Flies flew around him. I recommended we bring him with us. Agent 6, a Pegasus CIA agent, met us, and began leading us through the CIA Headquarters. We were given a tour which included a massive room with an enormous crystal. Agent 6 claimed they could monitor Astillon at any range with this crystal, provided they have enough Aetherstone. She lead us to an elevator, and we pass a room with an Adamantine door. Agent 6 lead us into the War Room, and reveals her true form. She's not a Pegasus, but a Changeling. Swift Sail took a step back. Agent 6 informed us of a newly sworn Agent who was responsible for looking after the Mirror Cultist. I asked to speak to the him. A green agent, an Earth Pony with orange hair, escorted the Mirror Cultist, and placed him in an interrogation room with a two sided mirror. He was able to escape, and fled to a location inside Kalidai. He's been playing the piano, and moping.   Agent 6 says we are security clearance B, and ordered the new Agent to answer our questions. He informed us the Mirror Cultist has been missing for 3 hours. It did not physically attack anyone, but said, "I need to be somewhere I can play an instrument." The Mirror Cultist's name is Translucence. He made copies of himself using the two way mirror, 3 in total. The Earth Pony Agent was quickly overpowered, and made unconscious. He had the keys to the room. The Mirror Cultists appeared quickened, and were able to leave before security could respond.   I inquired about an imposter who we'd been sent to investigate. Agent 6 showed us a letter with Ghost Ink that reads, "Our guest has arrived." The letter was originally from Holbeck, was found, and it's believed the individual referred to arrived during the attack. The attack likely was a diversionary tactic. There wasn't an address, but it was delivered to Flat Earth's mailbox. Flat Earth isn't considered a suspect because she's often used as a scape goat whenever the CIA's operations go awry.   I though carefully as I looked over the map in the War Room. The Prophets of the Mirror Cultists attacked the Garden, the Theater, and the Palace. I reasoned they were used to pulled the most amount of attention. The Krystal Museum is the furthest point from the attacks. Knowing that the Mirror Cultists are working for the God Father, and the God Father wants to collect Bannermanes artifacts, it made sense that artifacts would be at the Museum. Agent 6 says there are no artifacts there, but can't reveal if any artifacts exist without direct clearance from Mainstitch Koh-I-Noor.   Agent 6 used her crystal magic, and sent word to Mainstitch Koh-I-Noor. The Diamond then teleported directly into the War Room, and sat among us. I asked Mainstitch Koh-I-Noor about this artifact, but she made it clear that she could only reveal this information if I submitted to a Geas because only a magical promise could guarantee I keep this information secret. I pondered the consequences, and ultimately decided to take the Geas, and learn these secrets. Koh-I-Noor warned me that keeping this from my companions might sow distrust, but I believe my Bannermanes will trust me. I can act on this information, so long as I do not reveal what the artifact is, or what it does. Once the Geas was done, I asked Koh-I-Noor many questions, and told her everything that has transpired with Cher, Babbage, and the return of the Four Horrors. I pleaded with her to help us fight them, but she said no. With a talon placed on my shoulder, she told me I was stronger than her. Only I and my Bannermanes could fight them, and she would remain here in Dakilai to protect her city. She voiced strong concern over 'Enekini Kai, the Sea Engine. With the Crucible Key in possession of Cher, the coastal cities are at extreme risk. Koh-I-Noor also informed me that we did not kill Honua Wela. Even though we have Wela's Hammer, the Horror itself is still at large. So much was revealed to me. Almost all of which can not be shared.   After leaving Koh-I-Noor, I was deep in thought but decided to find Fireheart. I had been planning to give her a precious gift ever since we left Holbeck. The Dragon Flower seed from the Greenhouse has been carried with me, and I wanted to have it transformed into a wreath for Fireheart to wear at the Krystal Ball. While I was thinking of finding a Druid to create the wreath for me, Fireheart found me. I apologized for leaving like I did, but said I had a gift for her. Fireheart seemed genuinely interested, and came with me. The Garden was over crowded due to singing plants, but then I remembered Wicker Wind could help me grow this Dragon Flower. He was busy sorting mail, as usual. I whispered to him that I had a string and the Dragon Flower seed that needed to be turned into a wreath. Wicker Wind was frustrated that I had waited until the last moment, but still agreed to help me. With a great sacrifice of himself, and helped the bloom grow into a perfectly sized wreath. It was gorgeous. I hugged Wicker Wind, and told him that I would never forget that he had done this for me. He pranced off, and continued his work. Returning to Fireheart, I showed her the gift. My heart was racing.   I struggled to find the words, remembering every class Swift Sail had given me on how to create a moment, instead of asking for one. I told Fireheart just how wonderful she is. How I appreciate how dedicated she is to the Bannermanes just as I am. I explained to her how rare and wonderful the Dragon Flower is, and that she herself is just as rare. As she began to cry and become flustered, I said, "You wonderful, and sometimes you don't realize how incredible you are. But I do." Fireheart then leaned into me, and kissed me. My first kiss, and from such a mare!   I felt heat rushing through my body in shocked surprise, but then I relaxed, and kissed her back. As we embraced, I lifted the Dragon Flower Wreath and placed it on her head. It fit perfect. She called my kiss very professional and said that we'd have to inform Dr. Amden of our relationship, but that she doesn't care what he says about it. I held my wing out to escort her to the dinner, and said, "I don't care either." We walked together, and made our way to the dinner. I wanted everyone to see how beautiful she is, the way I see her.

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