Session 56 Report

General Summary

Triple's Log

Okay, guys. This isn't as bad as I thought. After a whole lot of tracking, we found a bear. I was NOT going to approach a bear like that, but Sister did! She went to talk to it in some strange bear speak, even as the bear started to attack her, and somehow managed remained totally stolid. Only when she showed her Bannermane badge did the bear stop.   Everyone started following the bear. We reached a dark cave. Just when I had thought everyone had lost their minds, the bear led us to a secret backroom. We met a Pursian who could control him! His name was... Mukbang? wait no, Mubaka- Nono, Mubarak! Sorry, Mubarak!   We learned of something spectacular. There is a resistance movement in this region. But that isn't even the craziest part.   Remember that strange box thingy I saw a few days ago? IT'S ALIVE. And it's... kinda scary. S-she moves weird and can- Ooh goodness, I am never going to forget that kobald, what she did to it in combat. THE EYES.   ... But she's also kinda nice.   Back to topic. The living box mare knew where a group of prisoners were getting taken. They were getting taken to Heatfang. That can't be good. We went and managed to save the prisoners down near the river in a ravine. There were a couple of strange deer with them. I can tell they are strong too. Lots of good news, new allies, I think. But I can't help but feel that we've only seen the the first chapter of this story of chaos and recklessness. Danger lies ahead  

Swift's Log

Hiking through the hills was more arduous than ever, another day spent searching was mostly sidetracked by bird chases and bear calls in the middle of the night that brought me this close to drawing my rapier. I was interested enough to see her get mauled by a bear or bird, as was the rest of the party from the looks of it. Luna save me. She at least managed to stumble her way into getting us led to a surprising hideout that a number of resistance fighters and Bannermanes had been stationed in. That itself was a miracle, I was glad to know we weren’t completely alone out here and that we’d been able to sneak by undetected. Even better was word that one of our new friends, Murabak I think his name was, a ranger controlling the bird and bear, and a—robotic mare, was delivering intel from inside the internment camp, and we knew when they’d be moving next. We were able to prepare an ambush to take out about 10 kobolds while freeing a number of civilians, it was nice to get a relatively stress free win for a change. I felt confident in my strikes and strides, easy slashes unearthing pools of blood that was nothing compared to the show this robot mare put on. Of course Cher topped it off with a grand explosion that was sure to draw some attention. With the free'd captives, two more Bannermanes were among them, and I’m loving our chances now! We even managed to capture a Kobold alive and we’ll have the chance to question him while we plan ahead in the safety of the hideout. Different ponies have different ideas. We’re close to Wati, it surely won’t be getting easier.  

Planter's Log

We gathered ourselves after the failed attack against the internment camp, and chose to follow after the Golden Port Bannermane who delivered the message through the unfortunate child, Abasi. I'm comfortable exploring through the wilderness, but Sister Ash caused a great deal of frustration. She found signs of a bear, and we both deduced this species of bear isn't naturally part of this ecosystem. It's possible it's the familiar of our missing Bannermane. She made attempts to call the bear, and left food behind. I tried explaining to her that we must remain quiet, and not leave any visible trail that can lead to us. One morning, an eagle was seen flying over head, and Sister transformed herself into a massive bird, and chased after it. When it escaped, we regrouped and continued our search. A scouting team of Kobolds was seen to the North, and visible signs of a bear were found. This entire area was recently razed to the ground, likely by the dragons swarming the area. I spotted the Eagle the next day, and cast a spell to be able to track it through the air. It ducked behind a canyon wall, and I reasoned it'd be a simple matter of following it, but then the bear arrived. Sister Ash began calling to it, but I readied my sword in case it charged. It did, but only against Sister Ash. Eventually, the bear stopped, and Sister Ash followed it in the direction I saw the eagle fly.   We entered a cave, and our badges were able to dispel a magical illusion that blocked a door. When we attempted to enter, a Persian challenged us by the name of Mubarak. The bear and eagle both were his companions. As we spoke and introduced ourselves, a small voice spoke from behind Mubarak, and asked, "Is Madame Fortuna back?" Then there was the strange sight of a mechanical pony in a box, climbing the stairs. Only to them slip and fall back down the stairs while shouting profanities that would make a sailor blush. In fact, and I believe Swift did.   Madame Fortuna was the one who sent the glowing ticket with the fortune. We learned she was disguising herself as a carnival piece in an attempt to find other Bannermanes, and bring them to their resistance hideout. Cher and Madame Fortuna began bickering, only for Cher to nearly be crushed by a rock that fell from the ceiling. It was massive enough to kill her, but she dodge at the last second. When we entered, we found a very small resistance movement cooped up in this tiny cave. Most of the Bannermanes there were still green behind the ears, but beggars can't be choosers. I saw some civilians in need of medical attention, and pulled the green Bannermanes over with me to teach them basic medicine.   I listened carefully as Seelah spoke with the others and it turns out the civilians who are worshipers of Soft Whisper are being taken to Wati. While we don't know the exact purpose, we do know that only those who carry the necklaces representing their ancestors, are the only ones who can enter a specific temple to speak to their dead relatives.   More importantly, Madame Fortuna and Mubarak have vital intelligence regarding prisoners being taken back to Wati within 2 days. And, they know of the perfect ambush point. This is perfect. A chance to free civilians, and finally take the fight to these bastard Kobolds on our terms. We carefully made our way to the ambush point and waited. High above the canyon, we heard movement, and saw a team of Kobolds moving civilians. We sprung our attack.   Lighting flashed out, and charged down the canyon. The Kobolds attacked back, but were quickly overwhelmed. Two of the prisoners were Ruminants, who were freed, and then joined the fight. Flamboyant and friendly, they seemed to take delight in frustrating their captures and joined the fight. One of the Kobolds attempted to escape, but was tracked down and destroyed by Cher's magic. We managed to capture one of them alive. It will be put to the question.

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