Session 20 Report

General Summary

Kara's puppet or Clarity as we found out. wanted to make us a deal, we help her and she helps us. We were essentially playing a game of choosing your dictator. Deposing one for another, but our job wasn’t to save the city. It was just to get rid of the scum-sucking urchin buck back. The city could burn for all I care. Right now, she’s using us but by the time this all over hopefully both of them buck back and Kara lay bloodied in the same ditch. Her offerings of help were as vague as the person giving it, talk of music and finding decenters. It’s likely running the city the way Buck Back does, so openly would create more than a few hostile elements. No one has a battleship without having enemies to use it on after all. We ended up wandering and eventually ended up in a marketplace. In search of poison or something, honestly, the group was being more dumb than usual that day. In search of … materials to render buck back unalive. Delivered to him by his own special number one, Clarity. But if killing him was that easy, she probably would have done it long ago, either she’s planning to pin a murder on us or Buck Backs not going down with a run of the mill food poisoning. The market was filled with invisible ponies and creatures of all kinds in robes and masks. Considering our group saw them they probably were shit at their craft. Eventually, we got tired of being surrounded by unmoving unspeaking invisible ghosts and made the scatter after tipping off that we could see them.   We chased one down an alleyway tackling them down to the ground. They turned out to be the poor shit from the casino working on the teleportation project. They wouldn’t talk without complete privacy so I used my cozy cabin spell. Not subtle at all, but effective. Besides, we're a couple of dead goons and burned garrisons removed from subtle at this point. Turns out the kid was part of some black-market operating right in Infront of everyone’s nose. No clue what he was buying or god forbid what he was selling. But we didn’t have anything to keep him, and killing him would cripple the project here in the city. We let him go and moved on to our next destination. A bard college. If anywhere would help decipher music it would be here. Of course, straight up telling people why we would be looking into this particular song would be pretty abrasive even for us. So of course, someone goes and says that it’s against buck back, even calling him a pimp. Low and behold the criminal mastermind plays the hero in the public eye by donating and helping out the school. It doesn’t help that it gives him a nice supply of pretty college mares for his other business ventures as well. Eventually, through our fumbling, we found that the docks might have the people who were looking for. Regardless we finally have a direction to head. and we might as well see where it leads us. We'll investigate and play along with Clarity for now. It's most likely whatever poor souls we get to help us will just end up on her list of undesirables after they've served their usefulness as well. That's their problem though.

Rewards Granted

New song from Clarity

Character(s) interacted with

Clarity, The Solfege Gang


Fellow Bannermane All In was found making himself invisible in Dakalai's market. He was chased down and we confirmed it was him. He gave us a lead to find Aetherstone in the city of Weldstone. Aetherstone is in places with lots of magical disturbances. His information checks out with what we've heard from travelers in Trappersville. Shen is the Mainstitch in Wati. His Bannermanes are being sent out to deal with an Earth Elemental.

The Bannermanes
Report Date
09 Feb 2021
Primary Location

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