Session 36 Report

General Summary

As the party continued to talk and recover from our battle with the gobbos, Sarsparilla and Shabaka finally joined us after somehow getting lost in the forest. That also meant they had to be caught up on the whole situation of what was going on in Weed Horse with the impostor, as well as making good with the gobbos. Sarsparilla tried to pet one, and it bit back, an absolutely amusing show as she was sure to keep in the air to keep her distance from that point. We talked a bit longer and gathered more information about the impostor and Weed Horse, but the night soon grew much too late. A small group of the gobbos spoke their interest in meeting Spook Snake—Kafe, the ancient brass dragon we’ve been traveling with. Utterly amused with the thought, we escorted the few gobbos back to our ship. Few turned to one brave cleric gobbo who approached Kafe. Of course not their actual god, she filled in perfectly, assuring the cleric she meant no harm while reaffirming the belief that she was their god with a little bit of ‘magic’. We also filled in the dragon on our side-mission of tracking down this impostor, to which Kafe encouraged us, gladly going on ahead with Tangent’s bag of holding with all the pots inside of them, getting a head start to her cave while we took care of business back at Camp Weedhorse. The gobbos went back to camp and we climbed aboard for the night.   The next morning we set off on hoof, back west towards Camp Weed horse, our excellent trackers putting their skills to work in finding clues as to our impostor’s tracks. A keen eye noticed small feathers of what they said was a blue finch, a bird indigenous to the south-most part of Astillon, far away from here. The assumption was made that we were dealing with a druid taking flight as a bird to sneak into camp, into the chateau, and to then use their hat of disguise.. It was easy enough considering the chateau itself is slightly separated from the bulk of the camp and a bird is nothing suspicious. We realized then that we were in the middle of the forest, and had the option of walking another day back to the ship, flying into town, then sneaking in, or just continuing on the long trek into camp on hoof… Not wanting to risk being caught by Miss Potts, we opted to hoof it into town. We stopped just outside of town where we spent a good while planning how we could get the hat off of the impostor to expose him, including 2 magical spells to turn Tangent and Moon Planter into trees. I could only imagine what that must feel like, being out of your own body… Everycreature got into place and waited, Moon Planter being the first to spot our impostor as the blue finch landed on his branch, then fluttered into the chateau. The message was spread around the camp as we hid in the trees, everycreature moving towards the Chateau as Miss Potts herself. Keen eyes noticed that Miss Potts’ eyes had an orange glow to them, as she stood at the door of the chateau staring into complete darkness, the haunt not having been lifted as the impostor stood inside and only offered the glimpse of a hoof before Miss Potts left.   Well… a bummer that our planning didn’t quite come to fruition, we fell back onto Plan B! Equipped and prepared with magical spells to combat the darkness and the spirits that haunt the chateau, the Bannermanes marched in! A couple dispel magic spells illuminated the hallway and main stairwell, and we took the chance to look around while more clearly spotting ghosts moving around us. Steadfast we were, we bore through the chilling chateau in search for the impostor, eventually being halted and engaged by a pair of spirits. Moon Planter, Ord, Sarsparila, and I all leapt in to begin stabbing and firing away—all efforts that were rendered utterly useless as Tangent and Cher put their magic to proper use, blasting the retched ghosts out of existence! It was a beauty to see, being as prepared as we were and not taking any hits because of it! We breezed through a pair of encounters in the same manner before ghosts began escaping up the stairs.. We could only assume that’s where the impostor is hiding out, and perhaps the remains or body of the real Weed Horse as well… We gathered our gobbo that was waiting outside and are ready to continue on!

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