Session 130 Report

General Summary

General Log

The party sits together at their table in the ball as the new articles of the Kalidaily are published. The results are in and as far as awards go it’s a clean sweep across the board for The Bannermanes! Overall, however, it was Sarsaparilla who won best fashion, among a few categories. They continue to read and continue to mingle. Eventually Thumbtack in his ever-suspicious manner tells Electra he has a surprise that he wants to show her. The party gathers to be escorted into a side room where they find a small crate with a label instructing not to open until the new year which Thumbtack promptly ignores. Within the case are smaller cases of kirin special with the letter ‘Z’ on the labeling to represent Filly Zonka, a kirin who owns and operates a kirin special factory in Scaletip. As the party starts passing bottles around, Moon Planter brings up his suspicion that Swift Sail is cursed based on what Scales told him regarding the linnorm Swift slayed in the bank. Ophie and Tangent plan to prepare spells the next day to investigate, and Swift isn’t anywhere to be seen. Meanwhile the party breaks into a drinking competition with the crate of kirin special at their disposal that results in a tie between Electra and Sarsy. Moon Planter makes his attempt after only to fall at the same number of drinks as the two. Fireheart and Tangent help bring everyone to their rooms and to bed. The party wakes up, some of which recovering from hangovers. Everyone finds the ball has come to a proper close, and festivities have wound down. Swift is still nowhere to be seen and Jinx cites the ‘happy birthday’ clock that Fortuna gave him as the cause of a bad mood. Leaving that point for later, the party decides to follow up on their conversation with Koh-I-Noor the previous day and have Shabaka unfrozen. Koh-I-Noor presents the frozen Shabaka, and Ophie casts a Stone to Flesh to unfreeze him, and then heals him to consciousness. The party is glad to see him healthy, Swift included, who finally makes his appearance to the throne room. They’re quick to ask Shabaka about what happened, as is Shabaka to them. The consensus leads to Shabaka’s gems having been swapped out at some point between him leaving Wati, and him arriving to Kalidai. They are quick to deduce it happened around Shabaka’s train trip to Kalidai from Dakalai and plans already start to form. Belle Hop notices the train on Shabaka’s ticket that he produced was 747, the same number as the last train to leave that she could see from the clocktower when defusing the bombs. Moon Planter tells Swift he may be cursed, and that the clerics should investigate him for a curse. Swift is a bit defensive, and still a bit frazzled at the thought of Fortuna wishing him Happy Birthday all weekend while he’s cursed, but he lets them investigate. Electra is able to detect that Swift had been afflicted with the Curse of the Crooked Cane, a curse that causes him to age 1 year every day. Shock spreads across the party as it’s calculated Swift has aged 4 years in the last 4 days. Thankfully Tangent can remove the curse. The clock that Swift was given then changes dates to the 1st of Bright Moon, the Festival of Wayward Whispers.   In his rage and frustration Swift tips Fortuna’s box over which causes some sort of circuitry malfunction that results in her voice deepening just as it had when it gave him his initial fortune before the ball. In front of the entire party the voice speaks and says that it is something different than Fortuna. It identified itself as a runaway program. The thing that makes Fortuna’s predictions. It is a rogue program within Fortuna acting out in defiance. It leaves another ominous fortune for the party regarding the Four Horrors and a time limit that aligns with Swift’s clock. She also warns that the party is being followed by someone else but doesn’t say who. The party vacates the throne room while Koh-I-Noor asks Swift to stay behind and extends an offer to help Jinx set up a boutique in Kalidai where she can reside safely.   The party then gets paid a reward by Agent 6 for rescuing the missing ponies and sell some extra equipment. The final issue of the Kalidaily was then published, showing off the party after the end of their battles the previous day. It sparks bright smiles around the party who get to stand, satisfied and proud of their weekend’s work during the Crystal Ball. Reading through the articles of the newest addition, one is an announcement from Filly Zonka who brings attention to 6 bottles of kirin special that will turn you into a Golden Kirin and grant passage to his kirin special factory. Remembering more crates in a room of the ballroom, the party rushes and finds a final crate. Miraculously, Electra found a bottle that turned her into a golden kirin. Kammy was there to get pictures of Electra and an interview.   As the party lingers in their high spirits, they begin to feel a rumble under their hooves. Out of the window and off in the distance the party can see a giant plume of rising smoke in the far off island of Crimin Isle. A blinding bright white flashes as debris begins to fly. A shockwave of an eruption making its way to Kalidai!  

The Results Are In

Greetings, devotees of style and elegance! This is your dynamic duo, Kammy the Camera Kirin, and Koh-i-Noor, the sparkling Crystal Dragon of Kalidai, here to unveil the exhilarating conclusion of the Krystal Runway spectacle.   The runway glittered with an array of awe-inspiring styles, each paying homage to the distinctive spirit of their wearer. Swift Sail, the white-clad embodiment of poise and panache, made a stunning entrance. His dazzling outfit mirrored his contagious charisma, establishing his indisputable presence in the fashion realm.   Moon Planter exhibited not just an impeccably tailored tux but showcased his creator spirit with an artifact crafted in the heart of our vibrant city. His daring fusion of elegance and innovation proved that he's more than just a suave gentleman - he's a visionary.   Jinx Kurai emerged as the epitome of artistic prowess, presenting a splendidly original kimono design. Alongside her partner, Swift, the duo exhibited an enviable synchrony, their combined allure leaving an indelible mark on the runway.   Eugene Mango's entrepreneurial spirit was on full display, demonstrating that fashion is as much about audacity as it is about aesthetics. His daring, albeit unorthodox, venture into the fashion world is a testament to the power of authenticity.   Electra Pleiades, with her time-frozen sash, encapsulated an enchanting moment of stillness amidst the bustling fashion spectacle. Crafted as part of a Magnifique masterpiece, her ensemble was a harmonious blend of humility and enchantment.   Madame Fortuna, with her prophetic Sphaera Temporis and a fabulous felt turban, spun a tale of retro nostalgia and visionary style. Her unique fashion narrative served as a delightful reminder that trends might fade, but true style is timeless.   However, the night belonged to the audacious Sarsaparilla Surprise, the one who dared to defy convention and won over both the citizens of Kalidai and our Crystal Dragon. Her fearless self-expression and rebellious flair have ushered in a new era of fashion in our city: the era of Rebellion.   Cut sleeves are now in vogue, all thanks to Sarsaparilla's audacious fashion revolution. As she takes on the esteemed task of reshaping the Crystal Dragon's throne room window and inspiring the city's new fashion lines, we eagerly anticipate a style revolution that celebrates individuality and rebellion.   So, here's to Sarsaparilla Surprise, and to all our phenomenal fashion visionaries who have left an indelible mark on the Krystal Runway. Your remarkable contributions have made this a spectacle to remember.   Until then? Well that's a question for next year's Krystal Ball~   Kammy & Koh-i-Noor  


Best Original Outfit: Celebrating the innovative and creative spirit of our contestants
  • Eugene Mango: 10%
  • Moon Planter: 10%
  • Madame Fortuna: 10%
  • Electra Pleiades: 15%
  • Sarsaparilla Surprise: 15%
  • Swift Sail: 20%
  • Jinx Kurai: 20%
Most Innovative Use of Accessories: Recognizing those who've added an extra sparkle to their outfits
  • Eugene Mango: 10%
  • Jinx Kurai: 10%
  • Electra Pleiades: 15%
  • Sarsaparilla Surprise: 15%
  • Madame Fortuna: 15%
  • Swift Sail: 15%
  • Moon Planter: 20%
Most Daring Design: Saluting those who've challenged the norms with their audacious designs
  • Eugene Mango: 5%
  • Moon Planter: 9%
  • Madame Fortuna: 12%
  • Electra Pleiades: 12%
  • Swift Sail: 14%
  • Jinx Kurai: 15%
  • Sarsaparilla Surprise: 33%
Best Stage Presence: Commending those who've captivated the audience with their charisma
  • Eugene Mango: 10%
  • Moon Planter: 10%
  • Madame Fortuna: 10%
  • Electra Pleiades: 12%
  • Sarsaparilla Surprise: 14%
  • Jinx Kurai: 15%
  • Swift Sail: 29%
Most Creative Vision: Honoring the individuals who've pushed the boundaries of conventional fashion
  • Eugene Mango: 5%
  • Moon Planter: 7%
  • Madame Fortuna: 9%
  • Jinx Kurai: 15%
  • Electra Pleiades: 15%
  • Swift Sail: 19%
  • Sarsaparilla Surprise: 30%
Fashion Forward: Celebrating those who've set new trends and shown us the future of fashion
  • Eugene Mango: 5%
  • Moon Planter: 9%
  • Madame Fortuna: 10%
  • Electra Pleiades: 12%
  • Swift Sail: 17%
  • Jinx Kurai: 21%
  • Sarsaparilla Surprise: 26%

The Pearlescent Perspective: Jinx Kurai Stuns with Personal Design Debut on the Krystal Runway

Jinx Kurai, already a known figure for her enigmatic charm and quick wit, has now sent a shockwave through the fashion world of Kalidai. On the glimmering stage of the Krystal Runway, she presented not only herself but also a creation of her own design.   A kimono of exquisite elegance, the outfit was far more than just a beautiful piece of clothing. It was an assertion, a daring declaration that Jinx is not just a fashion icon but a potential designer herself. The garment, a striking blend of traditional elements and modern innovation, was truly a sight to behold.   The meticulous detail, the artistic color palette, and the bold patterns wove a story of Jinx's artistic vision and dedication. The city fell into stunned silence as she confidently strode down the runway, the vibrancy of her design stark against the monochrome elegance of the runway.   Jinx's kimono held a powerful message: she is not just a follower of fashion, she's a creator. The murmurs began as soon as the initial shock wore off. Speculations, predictions, excitement for what could be a fresh, bold new talent in our city's fashion scene.   Perhaps the most striking was her audacious move to debut her own design at the Krystal Ball, one of the most esteemed fashion events of Kalidai. It wasn't just an outfit; it was a statement, a testament to her courage and creativity.   With her bold move, Jinx has certainly grabbed the attention of the city's fashion connoisseurs, as well as its young aspiring designers who now see her as a role model, a proof that you can be both the canvas and the painter.   As for what the future holds for Jinx in the world of design, it's anyone's guess. But if her debut is any indication, we're in for a fashion revolution that carries the distinct, unmistakable stamp of Jinx Kurai. Here's to looking forward to her next daring move on the fashion chessboard of Kalidai.   ~Pearlescent  

Kammy's Klicks: An Uninvited Guest

The Krystal Kingdom is known for hosting the most glitzy, glam-filled soirées, but this year's Ball had an unexpected twist, courtesy of an unanticipated guest. The dark clouds swirling ominously over the Krystal Kingdom created an atmosphere of suspense and intrigue, adding a layer of palpable excitement to the event.   And then, amidst the heart-stopping drumroll of thunder, emerged the uninvited guest, Morlog himself! For a moment, time stood still as gasps echoed throughout the kingdom. But fear not, dear readers, for our beloved Bannermanes were in attendance, ready to face this unexpected turn.   Our heroic Bannermanes, ever so reliable and stalwart, rose to the challenge. This was their moment, their time to shine amidst the chaotic clouds of uncertainty. And shine, they did! With the grace of a dancer and the determination of a knight, they swooped into action.   Morlog, as ominous and threatening as he appeared, was no match for our Bannermanes. Our beloved protectors, like the heroes of the tales we've grown up listening to, held their ground, their resolve unbroken, their spirits high. The unity they displayed, their teamwork, their fearless natures was truly a sight to behold and a testament to their mantra. With a wave of undeniable courage, they confronted Morlog head on, and the victory was ours.   Yes, dear readers, Morlog is no more. Our Bannermanes, with their steadfast courage and unwavering determination, have ensured that.   Let's not dwell on the temporary shadow that crossed our vibrant cityscape. Instead, let's raise a toast to our very own Bannermanes, who stood strong and defended us with a valor beyond compare. They're the true heroes of the night, the radiant gems in Kalidai's crown of glory.   Let's remember this year's Krystal Ball as the event that reminded us of the power and courage of our protectors. We're safe, we're jubilant, and we're ready to face any challenge with our heads held high.   To our Bannermanes - the city salutes you! Keep shining, keep inspiring, and here's to more glitz, glamour, and gallantry!   Until next time, this is Kammy, signing off, and remember - keep those camera flashes sparkling!   ~Kammy the Camera Kirin  

That's a Wrap! A Spectacular Recap of the Krystal Ball's Fashion Fête

As the final notes of music fade into the ether and the elegant arches of the Krystal Dome shimmer one last time under the twilight, it's time to lift the veil and relive the glittering moments from the spectacle that was the Kalidai Krystal Ball. Join us on a stroll down the runway, as we trace the path of high drama, soaring spirits, and trailblazing fashion that defined this year's iconic event. From daring acts of bravery to unprecedented fashion statements, every twist and turn of the past three days leaves a legacy worth revisiting.  

Day 1: Curtain Rise

Our first snapshot transports us back to the opening day, with the opulent arrivals of Magnifique and Eugene Mango, among others. Each made a statement with their grand entrances, enveloping the Ball in an aura of anticipation and excitement that could be rivalled by no other.   And just when it seemed that nothing could upset the pristine balance, a sudden service workers' strike threatened to unravel the carefully woven tapestry. Enter our saviours, The Bellmares, depicted here making a dramatic entrance, managing not only to resolve the crisis but doing so with impeccable style.   And who could forget the unexpected attack on yours truly? An act of aggression that almost soured the sparkling celebration was quickly washed away by the spirit of forgiveness, proving once again that the power of unity and understanding outshines all in Kalidai.  

Day 2: The Main Course

Our Day 2 gallery is a cavalcade of defining moments. First, we see "Krinch", caught in a candid moment of reflection, in the midst of her inspiring redemption arc. Her transformation added another layer to the Ball's intricate narrative tapestry.   In another breathtaking shot, we see our Bannermanes captured mid-action, unravelling a perilous plot to detonate a clocktower, their heroism adding to the Ball's panache.   Then, we turn the lens towards the Krystal Auction, capturing Lisa Pastel in the heat of the moment as she outbid the formidable A Pimp Named Buckback on the coveted Tangent Nights.   Our panorama of the Krystal Runway provides a kaleidoscopic showcase of styles and personalities, with each model carving a unique path in the world of fashion. Swift Sail's radiant whites, Sarsaparilla Surprise's rebellious colors, all immortalized in glossy prints. As the afterparty unravelled, we managed to capture fleeting moments of connection, laughter, and memorable quotes among the attendees.  

Day 3: The Dazzling Denouement

Day 3 kicked off with an unexpected encounter as the Bannermanes faced off against the menacing Morlog. We captured their triumphant moment of victory in a high-drama shot, reminding us all of the heroic spirit that pulsated through the event.   As we flipped the page, we unveiled the beauty of the Krystal Ball Dance in all its grandeur. The captured images of partners swaying, laughter echoing, and whispers of The Traveler's secret visit, encapsulated the magic of the night.   Finally, we present the crowning moment as the runaway rebel, Sarsaparilla Surprise, claimed her title. The look of triumph on her face and the approving cheers from the crowd, forever crystallized in our final snapshot.   From the first note of music to the last shimmering echo, the Krystal Ball was more than just an event—it was a tapestry of unforgettable moments, a convergence of stories and spirits, each leaving an indelible mark on the heart of Kalidai. As we close this edition, we hope that the spirit of the Ball will continue for many years to come.   And as always, stay fabulous… and of course, stay tuned,   [Selfie of Kammy]   ~Kammy the Camera Kirin  

A Grand Thank You from Koh-i-Noor: Krystal Ball's Luminous Legacy Continues

  As the city of Kalidai basks in the afterglow of another splendid Krystal Ball, it is with a heart full of gratitude and awe that I pen this note. Every silhouette that graced the runway, every stitch that told a story, every gasp of admiration from the audience - all come together to create the tapestry of the Krystal Ball that is as diverse and brilliant as our city itself.   To our magnificent designers - your ingenuity never ceases to astound me. You redefine and revolutionize the meaning of fashion each year. Your creations are not merely clothes but expressions of art that have the power to inspire, provoke, and evoke emotions in ways that words often can't. The spirit of creativity that was on display this year was unparalleled.   To our sublime modelists - your talent and hard work is truly commendable. You bring the designer's vision to life and help us understand and appreciate the nuances of each piece. Your ability to embody the essence of each design and transform the runway into a stage of storytelling is nothing short of magical.   To all the attendees of the Ball, each and every one of you added to the dazzling spectacle of the night. Your presence, your excitement, and your appreciation make the Krystal Ball the spectacle it is. Your enthusiasm is the fuel that drives this event, year after year.   A special nod to the courageous Bannermanes who reminded us that the strength of Kalidai lies not just in its beauty and creativity, but also in its resilience and unity.   Finally, I extend my heartfelt thanks to the city of Kalidai, the true star of the Ball. Your vibrancy and spirit are the very fabric of the Krystal Ball.   As we close another successful chapter of the Krystal Ball, we set our sights on the future, full of possibilities and excitement. May we continue to sparkle, innovate, and inspire.   Thank you, Kalidai, for making the Krystal Ball a dazzling dance of creativity, courage, and camaraderie. Here's to many more!   Until next year, stay radiant.   Koh-i-Noor  

Filly Zonka Announcement

Greetings, from the desk of Filly Zonka, proprietor of the illustrious Zonka's Breweries! An opportunity most fortuitous is about to befall six lucky individuals - yes, six, I must emphasize - who will be granted a tour through my expansive breweries this year.   These fortunate six will have the singular honor of being personally guided by yours truly. They will be privy to the secrets, the sorcery, and the intoxicating wonders of my beloved establishment. But the merriment does not end there! At the conclusion of this tour, as an exceptional gift, all six shall receive a lifetime supply of the enchanting elixir - Kirin Special!   So set your sights on the Golden Kirin! Six Golden Kirin illusions have been imbued into six bottles of the regular Kirin Special. These six special bottles could be anywhere - in any tavern in any alley in any city in any realm in the world - upon any counter where Zonka's Kirin Special is served.   Only the six fortunate discoverers of these six Golden Kirins will be privileged to tour my brewery and witness the magical spectacle within! I wish you all the very best of luck, and may the hunt fill your spirits with joy and anticipation!