Session 105 Report

General Summary

Belle's Log (Kalidaily Cover)


Triple's Log (Magnifique)


Electra's Journal

It's always nice waking up in a bed, without any unpleasant surprises. Bellhop and Sarsy invited us to a blackjack game first thing this morning, only to start arguing about how many fives are in a deck of cards. I love the antics my friends can get into. After some friendly banter, we decided that a trip to Kaladai would be a good idea since we still needed to pick up some formal apparel for the ball. While the teleportation circle would cut most of the time off of our journey, we would still need to ride the train across the Great Friendship Bridge. It feels like a lifetime ago that I last saw that bridge. Hopefully this time we won't need to fight our way up a moving train. After some final preparations, and some quick goodbye's we were headed off to the conjuration tower and the circle that would take us instantly to Dakalai. Peck decided to stay behind. Understandable. We picked up some snacks at the train station (I got these really tasty salt spirals) *the page has some salt and grease at the edge* and before we knew it we were off! The train hauled flank across the bridge, Ophie told us about her coin slot, and Bell almost died from a kirin cigar; all in all it was a great ride. We arrived at Kaladai without serious incident, but saw a familiar face on the platform. Of course it was none other than *A Pimp named Buckback*, ugh that guy gives me a baaaad feeling, especially since Jinx is currently staying with a Swift. I tried to hurry the party along thinking the less time we spent around him the better, but Sarsy wanted to speak with him. Turns out she was right, and it was a good idea since we got some pretty valuable information from him. Seriously, sometimes that bat scares me with how much she can get from a pony just by looking at them. Apparently he will be at the ball, which is a problem since we were also planning on bringing Jinx there. Oh well, it's good that we found out now and not at the ball; we should have time to plan a solution.   We were just about to head out to the tailor's when I turned 'round on Sarsy throwing a supersonic ice ball at Bell, hitting her square in the muzzle and knocking her to the ground as a photographer from the KaliDaily caught it all on their camera. While I was worried for Bell, I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. After helping Bell up, we made sure everyone was ok, and headed on to the tailor's. Once there, the dress that I had previously bought from the very same shop seemed to react with the door to unlock it. Inside, we were met with the same hippogriff that had made the rest of our ball outfits. We convinced her to make the rest of our outfits on short notice and she got to work immediately. One thing to note though, was a voice that Wicker and I heard through the fitting room wall. It was that damn Buckback again, although it seemed like he was also unaware of us, and that the tailor was unaware that we could hear them. Buckback seems to have a close personal connection, possibly even a relationship with this hippogriff. Interesting to note.   After we got the outfits we decided to call it a day and retried to the nicest tavern we could find for some drinks and some rooms. Bell tried another kirin cigar, although this time directly after a shot of kirin special, and it seemed to go much better for her. After some unwinding, we carried on to our rooms and had another great night in a warm bed. I was surprised and happy to see Ivory drop waiting at breakfast in the morning. I made an offhoof joke about her only being a few days off this time and mentioned her key, which seemed to catch her off guard. Maybe it's just me but I had a weird feeling about our meeting that day. Ivory said that she would come to the ball with us before abruptly leaving. We headed out into the city. The deer boys said that they needed to leave to go deliver some letters, which Sarsy had asked to read. We headed out for the shows and that brings us to now, where I'm writing this entry on the way there.

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