Session 116 Report

General Summary

Anon's Log - Kalidaily Issue 2


Planter's Log

I had snuck away to try save Mrs. Kaffeeklatsch and Scales as my Bannermanes fought valiantly against the Bards in the Opera House. My plans were altered when I saw Koh'I'noor being dragged away by an invisible force. I jumped from one of the pillars to the other, and skidded up next to my Bannermanes flying on a summoned dragon. We enter a domed room with a single path. A mare with button eyes and pink mane is interrogating Koh'I'noor, the Mainstitch. The pink maned mare looks like a doll, and is named Marionette Phoebe. She mentioned a deal made with the God Father as Koh'I'noor gave a massive roar. The doll mare reached up and summoned copies of us to the battlefield. Our likeness has needles in our bodies, and buttons for eyes. Electra discovered that these dolls of us are made with some kind of voodoo magic. If they're attacked, we take damage as well. We have to be careful. Electra cast a spell that gave us speed, and conceals us. We decided to stay here, and wait for the enemy to approach us. Our enemies did indeed approach us. Electra cast her magic, and placed a magical barrier between us, and the Marionettes. As the Marionettes walked through the wall, they were blinded, and began suffering all manners of ailments. I'm annoyed that so many of our enemies have to use copies of us in order to put up a fight at all. As our swords and spells began attacking the Marionettes, they did indeed take damage, but a Spirit Link made the one they copied take damage as well. Ping Wing summoned a familiar dragon. Draggo, Cher's former protégée took the field to the north. Phoebe's hooves moved about with each attack landed against us. We quickly realized that in order to permanently put down these fakes, we'd have to take Phoebe down first. During the fight, I realized Triple was missing. I skreed to try and find him, but I couldn't see him anywhere. With him missing, he could ambush us at any moment.   We discovered that the polished walls in this dome reflected certain spells, and the angles shot the spell to the center of the platform under the dome. We got the idea to forcefully move Phoebe there, and hit her with as many spells as possible. I fought as valiantly as I could, but fell in combat. A brief moment later Tangent healed me. I saw Swift Sail standing off against Phoebe. Koh'I'noor was placed under Phoebe's control. I Terrain Transpositioned next to Swift, and told him to move her to the center of the dome platform, the flanked behind Phoebe. Madame Fortuna blessed me with a lucky number which I saved. Unfortunately, Phoebe attacked me in a moment of weakness. She took control of my mind, and I lost myself. Koh'I'noor turned to me, bit me, and I fell to the ground. I awoke to Swift pouring an Elixir of Life down my throat. I regain consciousness long enough to see Swift run back to Phoebe. I ran and grabbed hold of Phoebe, and held her in place. Electra ran to Koh'I'noor, and freed her mind. With the fury befitting a dragon, Koh'I'noor bit down on Phoebe. I realized then that I was spiritually tied to her.   Anytime I was healed, Phoebe was healed. Anytime Phoebe was damaged, I was damaged. The fight became more and more dangerous as time continued. I fell once again, and felt my soul beginning to slip. Memories started to slip. No sooner had I been brought back, that I saw Phoebe standing over me, pointing her hoof toward me, and cursed me. I was hit with Curse of Death, and felt a horrifying pain in my chest. It was as though my heart was in a vise, and getting crushed. I wormed away from Phoebe, and drank all of my Elixirs I could. Ping Wing also spent his turn pouring Elixirs of Life down my throat. At full health, and heavily wounded, I toughed out every blow landed by my Bannermanes against Phoebe. A final bite from Tangent in her massive form, saw Phoebe's stitches get split open, and her eyes pop out of her head.   With the battle over, I slowly felt the pain in my chest dissipating. I was dripping sweat, and breathing hard. My Bannermanes won the day. Swift's name could be heard being chanted outside by a large crowd. Koh'I'noor gestured to the exit, and said that we could join her in her throne room whenever we were ready. I could hear the feint sound of a stringed instrument playing, but no one else reacted to it. This large domed room is actually a stage where Koh'I'noor addresses the entire city. The whole fight was being displayed for everyone to see. I grabbed Phoebe's destroyed head off the ground, and held it up for everyone to see. I shouted, "For Timeless Glory!" After we left, the crowd outside came into view. Their cheers rose up, as Koh'I'noor flew off to her palace. I limped away, and saw Fireheart. She ran to me, and leapt to give me a hug. I embraced her, and nuzzled into her mane. I was so happy to just be with her for a moment. I'm blessed to have such a good team of friends. Mrs. Kaffeeklatsch, and Scales are also safe, and Mena Pena Ki'i secured. I pray we finally have a moment to rest.

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