Session 100 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter

Dr. Amden used Sending to Moon Planter: "Why the hell is my assistant not in the bakery?" "Ping Wing called him. Duk is dead. Cher is responsible." Dr. Amden then demanded to know our location. He's coming to us. Moon Planter sent our Grid Coordinates.   Madame Fortuna then sent a Sending to Dr. Amden: "Testing testing 1 2 3. Those are our current coordinates in the Foggy Feywood in Aerilon. We are proceding Northwest in search of Cher." "That Teleportation Circle better be set up, or I'm going to be very upset in two weeks."   A Cloven Druid met us deep in the Foggy Feywood. He stopped us, and confirmed we were there to restore the Divination Ley Line. He mentioned to Swift that if we wanted to meet Wildfire one day, we'd need to visit the Great Tree. Moon Planter believes he means the Great Tree North of Druidhame. That's where he believes Wildfire is located.   We found the 2nd Dubious Donjon after being lead by Duk's Phylactery. A riddle written in Osirani was found by Electra: Turn the glass a spin or three Somewhere backwards lies the key See the acts of those before To find the way into the door   We tapped into the Ley Lines in the area, and a bubble of time formed around us. We began seeing images of the past. There are ghostly hoof prints, plodding along the edge of the bubble. A vestigial image of Babage. He's walking around the circle we're in, performing an incantation.   We spun the Hour Glass, and time moved forward. Babage is waiting on a rock.   We spun the Hour Glass again, and time moved forward. Cher is seen briefly. Babage is seen speaking to Cher. He complaining about being followed. He instructs Cher to lead someone off, and Cher runs away laughing. Then Babage runs away. The Cloven Druid is seen running, and then fixates his eyes on Moon Planter. They saw him, and nearly attacked. Moon Planter fled to the hour glass, and spun it backwards. We started back at the beginning where Babage is doing his incantations.   1 OC: Bubble made by Babage   2 OC: Babage speaks to Cher   3 OC: Druids show up   4 OC: Babage returns, makes baby, lays Duk down   5 OC: Babage returns alone. Duk's body is laying on a bed of flowers that are not in bloom. Babage studies the flesh of his father, Midnight Ace. The flesh begins to grow over time. It grows into a baby. At the end of the hour, he looks disgusted and picks up Duk's hoof, and let's it fall. Babage picks her up with magic and carries her to the location of the ephemeral door.   6 OC: Ephemeral Doorway became visible, and Duk's body was offered as the Dubious Donjon's heart.   7 OC: Babage admires his work. He continues working on his half flesh baby thing. He works on multiple rituals at the same time. After an hour, he sets down the book, and complains. He counts the hours.   8 OC: Babage is hitting his head on the book, and looks behind himself. He calls out to Cher. Cher continues chanting, and growing the fetus born of Midnight Ace's flesh. The fetus begins to develop facial features. It's grown to the size of a four or five year old. Amelia arrives.   9 OC: Amelia, Cher's familiar, takes on Cher's form. Very uncanny. Sharp teeth, and smiles. Cher asks if Amelia found him, but she shakes her head. Barking sounds can be heard outside the bubble. Hounds of Tundalos arrive. Babage arrives looking like he got into a fight. Druids had attacked him. He chose not to kill them. Babage continues the ritual of the fetus, and Cher takes Amelia to the pile of ash.   10 OC: Babage continues to look at the flesh. He looks excited. After 40 minutes, the fetus grows from the size of young foal, to a grown adult. The body twitches, but is now taking on the features of Midnight Ace. Cher warns not to complete it yet. Cher trades details, asking if Duk's already in place. Cher mutters something about trusting ponies once. More Hounds of Tundalos arrive. 11 OC: Around the time Babage was seen bashing his head fast forwarding, lots of Hounds were seen. Thumbtack points out Tangent's flower. The 4 O'Clock is now blooming at 11 O'Clock. Babage and Cher are looking over Midnight Ace's body. Cher said she won't feel bad if this kills Babage. The blooming 4 O'Clock floats to the Ephemeral Door where the door's handle would be. Cher directed Babage to the place where the pile of ashes are.   12 OC: The Hour Glass spins to the 12th hour, and stops, unable to move anymore. Babage and Cher are lining up. Babage sits down, and closes his eyes. Cher places a hoof on his back. Babage begins chanting, and Cher joins him. Two Etheral forms of Babage fly out of his body. Babage's body flops to the ground. His soul drifts overhead, and is directed to the newly formed body. Babage now is in the body of Midnight Ace, speaking with his voice, but with the original personality. Babage walks over to his original body, and pulls out a wand with a crystal tip. A second soul starts spiraling around, and flies toward the door. Babage smiles. Babage jokes about his new body and gloats. Cher positions Babage's original body, and shoots a green bolt of energy. His body turns into a pile of ash.   We returned to the 11 OC hour. The flower bloomed, and fitted itself to the door. The door is locked. We returned to the 8 OC hour. Something is different. So many Hounds of Tundalos surround the bubble. A single Hound is inside the bubble, bouncing off the walls and trying to get out. This Hound has something shiny around its neck. Electra attempts to approach it. The Hound is wearing a necklace with an Emerald Bee. Electra spoke to the Hound, and it responded in Aklo, "Why should I believe you, Kirin?" Moon Planter said, "Because we're getting our companion back who was stolen from us." The Hound permitted us to take the Emerald Bee.

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