Session 16 Report

General Summary

Since he was spacing out the entry, Moon Planter finally arrived and went upstairs while me and Cher were still attempting to negotiate prices with our targets. I'm busy with that when I see Moon Planter come back down the stairs and throw out Shabaka, yelling at him, shoving him and telling him to get lost. Shabaka is thrown outside in the name of A Pimp Named Buckback (I guess Moon Planter got a gig?) We end up going around the back of the building and he's messing with the lock to try and get in so I use Heat Metal to try to open the door. That... doesn't work and someone starts yelling inside so I went back around to the front again and went back inside, leaving poor Shabaka in the freezing cold. After that, our marks were nervous and my target left so I decided to follow Shabaka outside. We went up through the alley to the backdoors and I found him trying the door. So I turned my attention on the doorknob, summoned the Sun King's power and cast Heat Metal where it sagged like clag. Unfortunately, people inside were alerted and so we left hastily. I get bored and head back inside. It's cold out and I'm not wearing much, you know? So I'm chilling by the bar, just vibing and then there's some kind of ruckus? We hear giggles and more and then who do I see come out on stage in drag but Cobalt and Shabaka in girly dancer clothes. They give it their best attempt but it's, uh, not the greatest. Still, some gay Purrsian and an old lady are hooting and hollering over them. When they're done, they run away like their tails were on fire. So what was that all about...? I guess Shabaka ran out of things to do outside. I probably should have kept him company. The two giggling airheads, Kirins who are whores under A Pimp Named Buckback come over to make painful smalltalk. While I'm sitting near Cher, who should come up but the Pimp we're trying to track. I groan inwardly. Cher actually calls him "Daddy" through gritted teeth and I was shocked. He pronounces us in his employ now and I just nod blankly. He goes back upstairs and Cher and I try to get useful information out of them (Number 4 and Number 6 or something) but it's not really working. I pull out an empty jug from Eleanor out of my bag and get the barkeep to fill it up with water. I then cast Tears to Wine on it. The two Kirins say "Don't tell Daddy!" and get blitzed off of it. We tried to question them but all we got out of them was that Number 1 is named Clarity. And now they're passing out on the floor. Great. Everyone is staring at us and not in a good way. Moon Planter heads back upstairs, leaving us to it. Cher puts both the Kirins on my back and I drag them out of the Revenge of the Roc. Damn, I'll be feeling this tomorrow. We head toward a nearby seedy motel.

Rewards Granted

A business ledger from the Revenge of the Roc

Character(s) interacted with

A Pimp Named Buckback, Jinx, and Misty

The Bannermanes


-Level Rogue
Report Date
05 Jan 2021
Primary Location

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