Session 62 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter's Log

After the near disaster of fighting the constructs in the refinery room, we heard the noise of our companions tumbling through a random pipe and collapsing in the previous room. Without much explanation, we brought them up to speed, and continued back through the pyramid to the main room. We inspected the circle resembling the sealing ritual in the previous pyramid. Given what we know about Crucible being an engineer, then his ritual would be about precision and purpose. We searched North on the Western side of the pyramid. Some of the pipes are building up tremendous pressure, and blew steam on us. Once past them, we walked into a massive library. I could read the words in Sphynx, but couldn't make heads or tails of the diagrams and models. Ping Wing took time to study and read them and determined these were repair manuals for different mechanisms for the machine. Several constructs were in this room, but didn't move as though they were powered down. While we waited on Ping Wing to study the manuals, 4 drones flew in and fiddled with the 4 nobs on the north end of the room while taking pictures. Swift posed for several of them. The room in front of the unmoving constructs suddenly sounded as though it were on fire, and the drones continued flying in while lights changed. We decided to leave for now because of concerns of the constructs activating and headed down the Western hallway.   Another pipe blasted steam, and we found an engine room. Several switches on the engine stumped us, and we moved farther south down the hallway. Another library opened up, and while Ping Wing read through the books, the drones came and inspected the doors. They opened the door by the library, and took two books off the shelves, took pictures, and returned the books. When lights changed in the room, two constructs came out of the floor. Mubarak's bear ripped one in half, and I was barely able to land a single strike. But we took them out and felt stronger.  

Triple Seven's Log

This second pyramid has a lot of wierd things called robots. A robot is like Madame Fortuna but bad. I went down there with everyone else because that Buckback guy (wait, Pimp Named Buckback Guy, The Third, The Great, Jr. Sr. Don't kill me please) said we should try doing. Normally I wouldn't do what he says, but that gias thing which means we have nothing to worry about, and that he can't try to mess with us on purpose, right guys?   Well, we've been here for awhile now. So long that the we had another teleportation event swap ponies out like when we first broke that crystal in the first pyramid. This place has a lot of levers that none of us can easily make sense of except for Fortuna, sometimes. Thankfully Ping Wing somewhat knows what he's doing. Unlike me.... because uh... school. But you know, I was able to help. We found that we could learn about machines by reading the enclosed instruction books found in the bookcases laying around the facility. I didn't think of that. Reading sucks. But Ping Wing was better at reading than me. So I went with the party to go find him some more books to steal   Well, there was another robot. The second he came up, that bear that Mubarak controls completely devastated him. But even after getting knocked to the ground and beaten up harder than a delinquent in private college, he got up and nearly killed Murabak.   Mubarak survived, thankfully, but it's pretty clear we can't just expect to win against these guys head on.   The room next to that room had a bunch of books. I had to go in, I hate going in places like that! Thankfully I somehow didn't die, maybe the 8-ball saved me.

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