Session 88 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

After catching the painted spirit of Avant Garde on a canvas, we found it wasn’t as communicative as the rest. It looked to be an opportunity to use the ritual that Madame Fortuna had found. Otherwise—the paint was all out of the town, the Jackals had vamoosed and the town was ready to rebuild itself into normalcy… And perhaps no better way to blow over the whole ordeal into a new chapter than Moon Planter and Stocks wrestling one another. It was a pretty even showing and ponies around really started to get into it. Both are quite strong and skilled, much more brutish than theatrical for me own tastes though. And it turns out me attention was better left to crowd control as certain viewers started to get testy with the rest of the crowd. To avoid further confrontation after Moon Planter’s victory, I escorted one kirin that had been bickering with Fire Heart to the tavern, and Belle Hop joined us. A much better show personally, great drinks and intriguing company~! The days before the ship arrived were also spent gathering supplies as needed to perform the ritual and preparing. Then when the captain arrived I took the lead in bringing him and the crew to the bar, Belle Hop working her barista magic again to everyone’s delight, and I was able to talk the captain into taking us off course to Kafe’s for 50 gold a day for the excess fuel. We started the ritual right away when we got onboard, it took the majority of our crews’ time to keep eyes on and for the price, we didn’t want to mess it up. It was just a couple days’ trip to Kafe’s cave, and everyone was all smiles to see our friend again—only to be met with fire blasts of anguish and pain, cries from inside the cave. Moon Planter played overly cautious to asking to come in while I took a more direct, heroic approach to see what could have been hurting our friend! Our answer was given by Hubby, who told us that he’d made the incredible mistake of trading away their new egg for pretty, colorful, fake eggs. Along the beach on the trip we’d seen giant tortoises down on the beaches, something I was somewhat familiar with as ponies who enjoy a tranquil life at sea and form of travel for merchants. It was one of those merchants that had made off with the egg. We were able to leave the cursed falchion in the dragon’s stash, but made the promise to return with her egg. Making haste, we traveled along the beach a good while in a hurry to catch up and find a group of merchants and tortoises. We learned he seemed to be heading towards Bleakburn, about a days away already! We hurriedly returned to the airship and climbed aboard. We pulled the captain’s course across the water and kept it low enough to keep eyes out for any tortoises below. We found one, though not the one we needed. Most of us were exhausted from the hurried travel, or occupied with the ritual so the crew was quite ghostly—and that’s when Ord reappeared in me bed in the middle of the night! Scared the dickens out of me she did!   She joined the crew and talked with the tortoise group of shorthooves. I didn’t catch much of their conversation but we continued along the way until eventually finding the tortoise we needed! Now to work a dragon’s egg away from a merchant. Surely there’s something we could offer to get out of this without violence…

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