Session 119 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

I have’ta admit watching Misty carry herself out of The Succubus with her cheek red after Jinx slapped the hell out of her made me a touch sad. Afterall, I did technically promise her she’d be my date for this ball after I named Jinx my Plus One to Bellmare… But now she’s stewin’ in the consequences of her own actions. And sure, she’s got more than her fair share of issues, and she may have had it coming, but I didn’t want her party to be ruined. Honestly it seemed like her feelings were just as hurt from the slap. It seemed like she didn’t expect it. It was a slap in the face in more ways than one. Hopefully she can learn from this, and hopefully they can work together to mend their relationship as sisters despite their personalities. I never had a sibling, but I can’t imagine it a good thing to be at arms against them. Moon Planter and Fireheart joined us at the Succubus shortly after and spoke of having a good night thus far. I’m glad to see things worked out in the end for him, and the dragon flower headpiece he prepared for her looked lovely. In the kitchen, Sarsaparilla and Belle Hop were struggling with preparing an extra dish. I thought I could hear them from our booth. Some hollering and frustration. I wasn’t sure what horror was about to be brought out, but in the end, it turned out to be a scrumptious smelling stew. In the fun of it all, Tangent pulled out a magic ball and goggles, and gave us some fortunes. What a zany feline, that’s a good lass that one. The night had grown late. One after another our party retired to their rooms. As far as I could tell I was the last, along with Jinx and Magnifique… by coincidence only. Magnifique said she had a meeting with someone regarding the runway upon which I was SHOCKED to learn her associate was none other than A Pimp Named Buckback. He didn’t even seem concerned about Jinx, only Magnifique. They began to talk, and CIA agents were around them. I could hear Magnifique talking about him making the best showing possible for the runway tomorrow, so his fashion could continue in the city. After that they went off to her room. My head started to SPIN as so many different things ran through my mind. This even sounded surprising to Jinx. I suddenly felt like I couldn’t trust Magnifique, and that I had a lot to think about… but alas the night was late, and I wouldn’t let that distract me from my company~ To our surprise, gifts were waiting for us from the Traveler! A fancy rune for me, and a Wish for Jinx.   In Belle Hop’s room, she found a fez, and a communication crystal where she heard the voices of CIA agents, Magnifique, and Buckback. She could see from across her balcony, Magnifique and Buckback talking and smoking cigars on their own balcony.   I was delighted to be featured on the following morning’s front cover of the Kalidaily. I also brought Magnifique and Buckback’s relations to the party. Moon Planter was in a remarkably good mood and was helping cool me down, but Belle Hop shared my suspicion. I decided to set it aside for the time being, and we all met at Kaffe’s Corner. Moon Planter shared just what got him into such a good mood. Adda boy!! I was all grins for him. He pulled it off! And that’s why they call me Swift Sail, Matchmaker. Otherwise we all sat down to read the articles of the Kalidaily. An article featured the cat fight between Jinx and Misty where more attention was drawn to Misty living in her own world, and having to face the consequences of how she behaves. The next article had to do with us saving the ball, but it had no mention of the Mirrorers at all. Odd that. We planned to go see the final Mirrorer who had been sadly playing piano and creating copies of himself in the ball room after breakfast.  

Triple's Log


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