Session 46 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

With the ravener down, I assumed that was the worst the cave would have to offer. We got ourselves rested up and made for deeper into the cave. I was a tad surprised that Fireheart seemed a bit huffy and puffy… very moody and I’d even say unfairly so! I figured perhaps it was a.. time for the lass and left her be. There was a lot of time to let things be as Sister Ashe spent a few minutes attempting to speak with the mushrooms in the cave. From what she could gather, they wanted to kill Cher because Cher (and Fireheart) had been burning up the mushrooms… That was fair, but I didn’t really feel like entertaining their concerns. Cher didn’t either and eventually went ahead and burned up the mushrooms in the middle of their conversation. That spurred a group of mushroom guardians into action, which Sister moved ahead to attempt to speak some sense into… To the degree that she gladly let them pass in order to have an easier time getting to their target, Cher. She then took it upon herself to root herself into the ground and get high off the outpouring spores while we all had to fight. Ord and I had to step in the way and get smacked around by the guardians as we tried to guard Cher. Ord was absolutely BLASTING the living hell out of the guardians, easily doing away with them and dumping them down a hole—which added to the fun as it brought a pair of spiders up to the fight. For the most part it was an easy affair as they weren’t that tough or rough, in fact it was my own allies that were the most annoying. Outside of a fine performance from Triple and Ord, the casters were all moody and not-careful with their spells. Nevertheless we dispersed with the spiders and guardians. I could see Fireheart was getting even more frustrated and I gave it another go to calm her down, to no avail. Cher wanted to go back for the ravener head, I figured a claw would be a nice accessory, but tensions quickly began to rise.   While Ord and Cher were wrestling over the skull, Fireheart was across the way practically turning nirik at Cher over having taken more. Everything was happening quite fast, I turned back to see Ord smacking Cher, which I can’t say wasn’t deserved by this point, but they were certainly malicious to a concerning extent. Fireheart even chimed in with a flurry of magic missiles! I had to talk some sense into the lass, you know how I am when I’m genuine, and it worked of course… Fireheart spoke up about the bones being cursed, and I quickly did away with mine. That still left a very upset Ord smacking around our smaller members. Cher was able to teleport herself out which left Triple to take Ord’s assault. I moved over to distract her while Triple pulled the bag off to toss it away, cooling Ord down.   That was a… headache of a session in a few ways. I was VERY upset with Sister and I don’t intend to let the party try and keep me out while she’s able to come back in.

Character(s) interacted with

The Shrooms

Created Content

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