Session 7 Report

General Summary

Ivvez nee....ebar bin sso cooked... no never eaten I winnenied the... FUCK! Screw it! Sleep! Ah, that's better. I've never been so tired before in my life. The party believed getting back in time for the festival was so important that we just force marched through the entire damn forest to make it back in time. No sleep, barely any time to eat. I was hallucinating since day 2. The trees were making faces, and everything was turning upside down. Eventually I thought I would get used to the headaches, but they came back when Grot started her singing again.   Warboss! Warboss! Warboss! So great and strong and mean! Warboss kills, Warboss steals, Warboss good but green is still best color!   Groan.   Anyway, even she got tuckered out by day 3, and we all just trudged through the rest of the way. I barely remember walking through the gates back into Bleakburn. Grub was forced to wait outside. Leaving that gremlin to his own devices won't work out for anyone. The city guard isn't taking these Gobbos seriously. They're a bigger threat and more crafty than they realize, especially in large groups. I woke up, feeling refreshed and very eager to report to Dr. Amden. We accomplished our mission, and in record time. Things inside the Bannermanes' lodge seemed out of place, but we quickly familiarized ourselves once we ate breakfast. A newbie was being chastised by Dr. Amden when we arrived at his office. The door opened and half of us fell in. The cramped quarters didn't make it easy to present our findings, but when Dr. Amden saw how much of the Aetherstone we brought back, he was dare I say impressed? His words were still biting, but I think he genuinely felt amazed and pleased with our hard work. He found it hard to believe that Grot was of any use to us, but I made sure he knew she was responsible for finding the chest we liberated from the Kelpies. Moon Planter10/21/2020 We informed Dr. Amden of the ship wreck Grub lead us to, and showed him the name Heat Fang written in Draconic. He didn't give details, but informed us to keep an eye out for more of his markings. We were paid handsomely for our work, 750gp and instructed to carry the stones to the C.A.A.T.S academy. A quick detour to the market area, and I bought a beautiful masterworked Falchion I've had my eyes on for months. We sought out whomever was in charge and found a Sphinx named Ankh. Ankh lead us to a large room inside where a magical circle was being worked on by a team of other Sphinxes. Tangent muttered some despicable phrases under her breath, but no one else seemed to notice or care. The wizards were ecstatic to finally have the stones, and quickly put them in place. The circle lit up in a bright display but then disaster struck. Four monsters poured out and began messing with the circle.   My party attacked the closest monsters in reach, but I sprinted toward the farthest one away. Whatever they were doing had to be stopped. The creature struck at me as I approached, and I could feel a terrible sickness come over me. The weight of my sword is much greater than the simple sap I've been using. My first attack against the monster missed, and I drew the attention of two of them. To Ankh's credit, he did assist in dispatching the creatures. Cher summoned an Eagle to assist me as the rest of the party focused on the other two. Whatever evil these beasts were up to, we failed to stop it. A giant creature I've never before seen came out of the circle and stood several feet above the rest of us. It's skin was covered red and thick with powerful muscles. It would take all of us to bring it down.   My armor failed to protect me as I took more blows from the monsters. Weakened but filled with resolve, I threw sand into the eyes of one, blinding it. Having gained an edge, I felt my confidence returning. Only to see Grot launch a sky rocket at me. The firework hit true and exploded to good effect. Unfortunately, I was blinded and everything went black. There were loud noises and shouting, but I couldn't see or hear anything in detail. My vision returned to me, and the giant red creature was gone. My party were relatively unharmed, so perhaps it was sucked back down into the circle. I'm unsure. Regardless, only one of the monsters remained. I attacked it with my new sword and hit true. It ran from me and jumped into the magical energy of the circle, disappearing for good. No doubt that's what the red monster did, as I doubt we could have handled it so easily. A crisis averted, but just barely. Whatever praises I would have given our party were quickly dashed away, as Dr. Amden entered the room and my party quickly lied to him. I don't know why, as telling him of our exploits and achievements will only lead us to greater success. How can our employer make good decisions if he's kept uninformed. My party refused to tell him the truth of the monster attacks, which were later named demons. They all lied one after the other. Even Ankh the one who's responsible for this happening, and Dr. Amden believed them. Even believing that a rat had caused my sickness. My wounds had been completely healed by this point, so their deceit was believed. I gave Dr. Amden a note written in Vegepygmy so he would know the truth. I'm not going to allow the dishonor of my party ruin the reputation of the Bannermanes. They won't ruin my chances of moving up in this organization. Dr. Amden read my letter and returned furiously. The party quickly surmised that I told Dr. Amden the truth and now call me Snitch, Teacher's Pet, and Rat. Poutine even cursed me with baldness. Perhaps working during the festival will teach them to behave as Bannermanes are expected to, and not lie to the one who pays us.

Rewards Granted

Mandatory guard duty

Missions/Quests Completed

Completed arcane circle in Bleakburn. Circle is now setup for proper teleportation linking (Hopefully)

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