Session 27 Report

General Summary

Cher Nobyl's Log

We had arrived in the mining caves, weakened numbed by the presence of the very material we sought. The diamond dogs had made us an offer. Clear out their caves of the spiders and they’ll allow us to use their caves and maybe even let us buy gems from them. A proposition that should have been completely rejected, but the rest of the party at the time, either too dumb or too self-assured in their own providence took up the offer. We laid before an obvious den of the spiders, burning sticky webbing as we moved through the narrow cave. The echoing sounds through the many holes in the ceilings were foreboding and I knew it was only a matter of time before the prey we sought, would rear its ugly heads. We had little information on what these creatures were. We knew they were spiders but as for their size, we had no idea. We also knew they were poisonous and we only had three heals for such afflictions to our entire party. But the party was undeterred. Cher must admit these idiots are many things, cowards aren’t one of those things though. For better or for worse they try their hardest to take fights even if unwinnable. Eventually from the smoke of my fire burring away the many webs, the spiders came swooping down from the ceiling boxing us in. They were massive in size, far bigger than any creature we fought thus far. But I didn’t feel that nagging tug of anti-magic draining me nearly as much as it did before. It was as if the gods had smiled down upon her in fortune or had been so uncaring as to have forgotten the challenges, they had placed on her. The spiders attacked trying to inflict us with their poison but we were able to fend them off. I conjured her magic in her horn to  release her might in cleansing fire upon them, burning them heavily. The rest of the party didn’t miss a beat either, and while we took damage Tangent the healer was able to do her part. A spider had tried to escape and with a few magic missiles, I rendered his attempts futile. The other spiders were dispatched with haste and we piled their corpses at the entrance as a monument to our victory. We rested unsure of what other challenges laid before us. And once we continued, we found our boon. A pile of Aetherstone rooted firmly in the ground sounded by the same memory-erasing material we encountered before. We could use magic to grab it, and we couldn’t get close without suffering the effects of the fungus. Tangent was used as the in-between, poking the shrooms with her spear and bringing them forth so that they could be rendered ash by my flames, safely out of range of the Aetherstone. We raided the chests divvying up the spoils of war and capturing the Aetherstone. We were then approached by an odd duck creature from behind. He claimed he saw us steal the Aetherstone and would only keep silent if we helped him and his friends escape the mines. I’m not keen on blackmail and the rest of the part has no qualms about dealing with such scoundrels with violence. But if his proposition is just, perhaps this will be one of the times we truly earn the title of hero.

Moon Planter's Log

I stared into the caves beyond the sandbags. The hole I tore open revealed a network of webs from ceiling to floor. The Moon Princess was graceful to bless me with my sight. Though no spiders could be seen, they'd no doubt feel us enter as soon as we stepped on their webs. I called out to them in Aklo, hoping they were intelligent enough to heed my warning. Creatures shouldn't have to die if all they need is food, but we can't tolerate them eating us either. I pulled out just enough of the sandbags for us to to squeeze through. I took the lead and began cutting my way through the thick, sticky webs. Cher followed the rear of the party and burnt all the webs away so we'd have a clear path if we needed to escape. Large piles of bones could be seen. I approached with my fellow Bannermanes behind me, and then the spiders poured out of the ceiling. The cave spiders back home were numerous, but never this large. The spiders seem to reach the floor without taking their legs out of their burrows. They spit their venom at us, and launched webbing. I became stuck fast to the ground, but Swift Sail cut me free. He's an impressive sword fighter. He flipped through the air and landed a devastating blow against one of the spiders, cutting it up the back. Not to be out done, I called upon what little magic I possess and empowered my Falchion to cut through another spider before falling back. We were crowded, and the spiders seemed to be able to attack us at any range. Toward the back of the cave, I saw our real prey. The Giant Tarantula we had been warned about. Though smaller, this was the creature I was looking for. I gave that bitch my full attention and moved into position.   The spiders began to fall one after the other. I trusted my party to finish them off in spectacular fashion. Pummeling rocks, Fireballs, Searing Rays, and of course Swift's flourishing cuts. My Falchion sliced through a spider's head, splitting it open like a piece of fruit, and I held my position until the Giant Tarantula got close. One of the remaining spiders climbed the walls and cut us off, but Shabaka cast a spell that sent it into a dire frenzy. It attempted to escape but was ripped apart. With the final threat in view, and many of us weakened from fighting, we focused our attacks to bring the monster down. Swift delivered damage, but failed to make the killing blow. He seemed off balanced, but I was ready. My Falchion swiped across the fangs of the beast, spewing blood and venom across the cave floors. I spun it around my side, and carried the momentum in an upward cut. With the final blow landed, the creature fell, and the cave secured. For now.   Spider eggs were discovered inside the Giant Tarantula, which Shabaka collected. Cher continued to burn away all the webbing, and we discovered a dragon's wing on the floor. We collected it for Fire Heart to analyze. At the rear of the cave, we found Aetherstone. This is the first time I have ever seen it in its natural formation. It was beautiful. We began calculating how to extract it because it was surround by Memory Mycena. Too close, and we'd be poisoned. But no magical fire could reach it. In time, we managed to cut it down, but the spores filled the air. I choked on them, and Tangent angrily threw them at us... hitting me. If I were a petty Leatherwing, I'd remember that and hold a grudge. Regardless, we reached the Aetherstone, and I used a pick to extract it from the ground. Our casters noted that the magical dampening lifted somewhat. There were treasures left behind too. We helped ourselves, and met Duk's duck Dolan outside.   Dolan said he had watched us. Shabaka immediately pulled out a sack and attempted to capture him, but Dolan quickly explained he intended to help us if we helped him in return. He wants us to take Duk away, and help her escape to Bleakburn. If we do, he'll help us find the missing Aetherstone we still require. I had hoped to find a more legal way of acquiring the stone Dr. Amden needs, but Karat has proven to be uncooperative. Cher was right to point out that we made a sour deal, but I was confident we'd find a way to work around our obstacles. Dolan has provided us such an opportunity. If we secure the 50lbs of Aetherstone and rescue a slave, then Dr. Amden's project will be one step closer to completion. I find this worthwhile. Thankfully the airship is just outside the entrance. With a bit of Providence, we'll be able to escape without notice.   I wish to return to Bleakburn. This desert. It's no good for planting trees. I miss the forests. I wish to return there, and plant a tree in the Moon Princess' honor. I don't pray often Princess, but I am thankful for the blessings and talents you've provided me. I hope you know I care for the lands that nourished me when I left home. I've missed many of your moons since journeying to Dakilai. I will plant an orchard in your honor one day. But for now we have stones to mine, beasts to kill, and a young Duk to steal away. Night guide my sword and keep my eyes sharp. I will not fail.

Swift Sail's Log

As Moon Planter sliced through the sandbags and began creating our narrow pathway, I was brimming with anticipation for the battle to come. Cher’s burning of the webbed floor we stepped over while Moon Planter and I took point was an excellent display of formation, and it was nice to see Cher knowing how to use fire effectively without scorching her friends! Though she insisted the battle ahead of us was asinine, deal with Karat aside, she’s clearly not gotten used to having such an asset on the team yet. Trust in your crew, and no enemy can break ye. And so just a short way in, we were greeted by the expected pack of large arachnids, and I must admit having that many eyes on you can make you forget your surroundings just a tad. Ecstatic in the face of danger, the whole party leapt into action and played their parts extraordinarily! Moon Planter and I were quick to the front lines, slicing and slashing away. He’s been a fun partner to have for keeping my skills sharp and keeping me on my hooves. Between the airship with the harpies and the cave, I can tell he’s never been so challenged for the spotlight, but he’s a good sport. Admittedly it wasn’t my finest of hours, I couldn’t quite tell if they’d seen my hooves getting caught on a bit of the webbing once or twice. Webs in a cave would make any nimble flyer claustrophobic...   For all the barking I heard about the poison and us not being prepared—I never felt any of it and we never seemed on the backhoof for a minute! I took my licks, we all did, and Tangent kept us with a spring in our step. She’s a fine cleric and feline, even if she’s got the attention span of a dog. Shabaka showed masterful use of his ability, and I pray I never face the wrath of whatever mind tricks he likes to play on harpies and spiders, and thankfully Cher’s fine aim caught the spider that tried to flee out of the sandbags. His blade storm was effective and added to the show as I soared over one of the spiders and past the blades, finishing it off before I even landed on the other side of it, and Moon Planter was even quicker to finish off the last! At that point, all the arachnids were down, and it was clear to me there was no more spiders coming, yet everyone insisted on falling back to the little ones’ break room for a rest. We pulled their bodies out of the cave for some reason, and I was treated to another laugh as a few of the short ones raced by in panic and confusion. Furthermore It was an amusing thought, barging in and quartering ourselves, but I was annoyed as it only makes our task seem like it took that much longer. Honestly I can’t see why the Foremanes never took care of this minor issue themselves. Well perhaps it’s _their_ loss, as we caught up after our rest and looked around the corner to find a bit of booty! A pile of a variety of colored rocks and some more of those plants everyone seemed so scared of. I could tell Tangent was getting weary of the caution, even haphazardly tossing the fungus back at us. I saw a bit of the daze in Moon Planter, and again I felt nothing. I may be somewhat invincible. As we were making our leave with the Aetherstone, we spotted a tiny duck, the same that had been on that mallard-mare’s mane. He told us he saw us take the stone, and I have to admit I got a fine laugh out of watching Shabaka jump right into action to chase it down with his bag while Cher and I cheered him on. He went on to tell us that he would say nothing so long as we helped save the mallard-mare from slavery, which I have no issues with. Poor lass seemed too naïve to recognize she’s being used. We’ll catch up to her and see what’s further in the cave from here.

The Bannermanes
Report Date
03 Apr 2021
Primary Location

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