Session 25 Report

General Summary

Shabaka left to pay the bail for Silver Tongue. Silver Tongue did not speak, his eyes were wide from the horrors he endured in prison. They ripped open a living creature and ate it alive, its quivering red flesh dripping from their mouths, and Silver Tongue thought he was next. Then they asked Silver what a "Royal Flush" is and he watched two creatures endure a Royal Flush for ten hours. Cher slipped out in the middle of the night with her curvaceous wives to the Church of Kara to get the knot tied without inviting anyone else from the party! I guess she needs someone to love her. She said she wanted to celebrate her wedding later and make it special.   So we made the momentous decision to leave Dakilai, this was a big choice not made lightly but given we had reached the end of the trail with Buckback, we decided to try our chances elsewhere to find Aetherstone in the north. On our trip on the airship, we heard a mysterious music ring out in the air. Then we saw harpies and they began to charm us away. Cher and Moon Planter got lured away, but the party sprang into action. The entire battle only lasted a matter of minute. I got to fling some spells around, and killed one with Searing Light and barbecued it. At the end of the fight, I used healing spells and Vital Beacon to get the party back up to speed. Swift finished off one of the harpies into little pieces that fell over the side of the airship. Moon Planter went to see if he could tan the harpy hides and other uses. The rest of our trip was uneventful.   We landed in Weldstone and made for the tavern to get to talk some locals. When we got there, we found a lot of Diamond Dogs and they only wanted to talk to Shabaka, who didn't speak their language. Moon Planter translated for him and we found out the town was largely made up of slavers who owned ponies. One of the Diamond Dogs tried to buy some of the Bannermanes and Shabaka had to explain we weren't for sale.   Then Duk ran in with a pebble of Aetherstone for her master. Maybe our luck is looking up? Our next step is visiting the Mainstitch.

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