Session 58 Report

General Summary

Triple Seven's Log

3 weeks. It’s been about 3 weeks since we left Leurbost. We freed some prisoners and captured some kobald. Thanks to that, we knew that there was a resistance cell in Wati, but finding it was going to be a challenge.   By the way, guys, Sarsy had finally returned! I’m convinced at this point Sarsy could survive a Meteor Swarm. Don’t tell any of the High Rollers this but seeing her again made me feel safe for the first time in a long while.
  Cher disguised herself as a caravan kobald to get close to Wati. Swift, who had probably been sneaking behind us with the others to make sure we weren’t being followed, switched off and also disguised as a kobold to get us in.   From the barrel I was hiding out in, I finally saw it. The pyramids of Wati. A blanket of a sickly brown and grey clouds coated the sky, blocking sunlight from touching the devastated city.   On top of the Seelah’s Bannermanes, we had to find a guy name Gyro, he was something called a 'tinkerer'.   But there were no Bannermanes or Gyros in sight. Swift had an idea, he used the disguise to keep the guards distracted while we looked for any allies.   Swift was also able to use his disguise to make the locals let us use their houses as hideouts. He wasn’t happy about it, but I dunno, I’m pretty used to staying in random places at this point. We met some Purrsian father who seemed to know about the Bannermanes   Everyone in the city had a number. When your number gets called: something happens. You don’t want your number to get called.   Madame Fortuna knew how to find Gyro, she pretended to be broken. It attracts 'tinkerers' like how broken furniture attracts repair alchemists. By some stroke of luck, he showed up, but only for a moment. Disguised Swift had to chase after him as he was carried off back to Heatfang. Oh yeah, Heatfang is in this city. DAMMIT.   After more searching, we found what seemed to be a resistance hideout. That hideout was being used by the Purrsian Father from earlier! He gave us a tune to find the other Bannermanes.   The next day we kept searching. I remembered that my old friend from Aerillon used to come here for his studies or something. I wondered when the last time was that he visited, so I asked a shopkeeper who looked like he had been around here for a while.   Suddenly, the shopkeeper shut the door behind me to make sure I was alone. And then, I heard that voice from the shadows. It was him. Ping Wing.

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