Session 75 Report

General Summary

Wicker Wind's Log

We FINALLY managed to catch up with the rest of the party after being a day or so behind. Moon—Luna Gardener was able to get us back on ‘track’ to find them, but xir also didn’t mention it was them running off crying that got us lost in the first place. But I guess this is all dramatic anyways. We found the party outside of a large goblin encampment, the one we’d been looking for. Grot was already inside and we quickly tried to get on the same page and gather a plan. Triple snuck off, I wasn’t sure what he was planning though. We approached the gobbos and I used Comprehend Language so we could all speak and hear what they were saying. They wanted the seeds for Trickster’s Trove in a couple weeks. We tried to trade chicken for the seeds, but they were steadfast in wanting us to earn them with a ‘trick’ or a dare, I guess! Triple appeared out of thin air and told them he had a trick. I didn’t even see the decanter he’d set up under the gobbo, but he made the thing blast the gobbo up into the air! It fell back down, amazed, and gave us about half of what we needed. Well—really it was all we needed, if we didn’t want to help the other ponies in Bellmare who also needed a cure. So we were given a 3 day time limit to defeat a cyclops. We headed off right away! We went to a cliff side and had to descend, I could do so with my winged boots and we safely got down. We found 2 chimera (wow!) outside of a cave and unfortunately had to fight them. I didn’t really want to, it felt bad, but they were attacking us… After dealing with them, we went to the entrance of the cave where we found a LOT of memory mycena. And they were BIG. We treaded carefully, Tangent, Moon Planter, Triple, and I until we found an injured gobbo. We started to tend to it before the cyclops appeared. It charged at is, swung and finished the gobbo off and set his eyes on us. Triple and Moon Planter focused on it while Tangent got swarmed by mushroom monsters. Poor Tangent! I tried to help on both ends, summoning a guardian and healing Triple and Moon Planter at the same time. Thankfully Grot finally decided to join the fight, taking to one of the mushroom monsters. She started to collect the eyes as we started to finish them off. It was tricky for Tangent and myself, each time we cast a spell it set off spores that tried to take our memories.   The cyclops went down, and we finished off the mushrooms before long. We found some cool gold to pocket and headed right off back to the camp. Grot asserted her dominance by showing the beheaded head of the cyclops to the war boss of the goblin camp, and we were given all the seeds we needed! Now it’s time to go back to vacation.    

Moon Planter's Log

For goodness sake. How do mares deal with these overwhelming emotions? My mind is completely scattered, and I can barely focus save for Fireheart giving me a stern look and using that forceful tone of voice I love so much. Gah! I need to rid myself of this Poison Joke and get back in my actual body. Mares are crazy. Thankfully, I can focus on my work. Fireheart stayed behind to help coordinate with the Mainstitch in Belle Mare. The party went on ahead, and Wicker Wind and I stayed on their fetlocks. I lost track of Triple, but found out he was covering his tracks. Clever. When we caught up to everyone, they were just outside the Gobbo camp. Grot was in the midst of it, doing Gobbo things, but we hadn't managed to secure any Poison Joke seeds for our cure.   Triple discovered the Warboss had a bag full of the seeds we needed, and Tangent believed we'd be able to barter with the him. I agreed, so we announced ourselves at the front gate of the Gobbo camp. The two sentries refused to let us gain entrance regardless of how much chicken I offered them. Apparently, only Grot's tribe is motivated by chicken. This lot was celebrating a version of the Trickster's Trove which commemorates Rein daring Semitone to steal Mor'log's hoard. Tricks and dares are what impress these Gobbos. We declared we wanted to trick the Warboss, so we were allowed in.   I spotted Grot, snapping at other Gobbos while random explosions went off in the background. Dead Gobbo parts fell at random intervals, much to the delight of those still alive. We spoke to the Warboss who refused to trade with us, and said we'd get the seeds if we could kill something named Grib Grub. Grot was dared to kill him first, but we're all being sent now. The Warboss wants us to bring back his peeper, or at least a tusk. Chances are, I'll just cut off its whole head.   We decided to push on through the night to get a safe distance away from the Gobbo camp. A team of about 10 Gobbos were following us, but they kept their distance. I spent my watch keeping an eye on them while the party slept. The next morning, I went foraging for food, and found a good amount for everyone. Plenty left over for several days. We arrived at a steep cliff that went several hundred feet down. Those of us who could fly helped those who couldn't down the cliff face. At the bottom near a cave entrance were two Chimeras. I attempted to feed one, but was immediately attacked. We killed them both in short order, and proceeded to the cave entrance.   Inside, there were hundreds of massive Memory Mycena mushrooms. Larger than any we've ever seen. On the ground were track marks of a cyclops. There wasn't going to be any reasoning with this creature when we found it, and we'll likely do the surrounding area a favor by killing it. Off in the distance, I heard the feint coughing of a single Gobbo. It was tangled up in the Mycena, so Triple went to pull it out, and I administered a healing elixir. The Gobbo began coughing and shouting, no matter how much I tried to shut it up. It had succumb to the Mycena's poison. Just as I was going to pull it out of the cave, an enormous cyclops fell from the ceiling where it was climbing. I failed to see or hear it, and it roared as it crushed the Gobbo with a powerful swing.   Triple and I engaged the Cyclops, but out from the Mycena came Shregma. Those foul mushroom protectors. Tangent was cut off from us, and Wicker Wind did his best to protect us all. Triple and I landed heavy blows on the Cyclops, cutting it down further and further until it seemed I landed a decisive blow. Foolish I was, because it sent the Cyclops into a furry, and it began thrashing about, trying to crush me.   Triple attempted to take some heat off of Tangent who was completely surrounded by the Shrigma, but jumped back in to help with the Cyclops. The Cyclops landed a flurry of attacks on me before it finally died. My lung had collapsed, and I could barely move from the pain. I drank an elixir, and reentered the fight. Triple was engaging a Shrigma, and I considered aiding Wicker Wind, but then I saw Tangent, running away from a horde of Shrigma, and getting tangled up in their tentacles. She fell, and Wicker brought her back to consciousness. The horrible memory of how Ord lost her life flooded my mind. I foresaw Tangent suffering similar injuries, so I leapt to her aid. I charged at Tangent, and pulled her away from the Shrigma with all my might.   Success! She took to the sky on her broom and cast a powerful spell on one. No sooner had I leveraged Tangent's life, that I saw Wicker Wind was in the same predicament. I wrestled him away from another Shrigma, and landed the killing blow. Power magic filled this cave, and sent us into coughing fits, but we powered through. Grot had managed to finally join the fight, and was controlling two of the Shrigma on her own. The last few remaining Shrigma were either destroyed, or fled back into the mushrooms.   I cleaved off the head of this Grib Grub, and told Grot to throw it at the Warboss when we returned. She was more than happy to do so. Little scamp collected a bunch of eyes too. There was a bit of treasure found, and we split it amongst ourselves. An interesting dragon skull was given to Tangent for future research. We then started making our way back to the Gobbo camp.   The Warboss was surprised we had lived, and Grot was met with much cheer when she dumped out a bunch of eyes, and the Cyclops' head at the Warboss. He reluctantly gave us the seeds, and we began our trip back to Belle Mare. We have enough to conjure a cure for ourselves, and all the civilians. Not a bad vacation thus far.

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