Session 98 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter's Log

  With Duk missing, time is of the essence. We decided to investigate the body of Midnight Ace, Babage's father. Since his guard was murdered, they're likely tied in some way. Anything we can learn that will help us rescue Duk is worth our time. We double timed to the Hallowtree Penitentiary, and was given access by Triple's father. Sarsaparilla, Guard #69, was caught sleeping, and woken up. Sarsaparilla found some paperwork directing us to the Morgue in the Divine District. Sarsaparilla did manage to find out the Jackals are in control of Aerilon's criminal enterprise, and not Buckback. For the moment, Jinx is safe. Another rumor circulating says that it's becoming difficult to acquire a potion of Shared Memories. Civ Rev gave us permission to look over the body of Midnight Ace, and we looked it over. Midnight Ace had been killed using Negative Energy. Midnight Ace has a scar over his abdomen which means something was removed from him. Civ Rev determined the scar was post mortem. Ophilia made the cut to look inside the body. Whatever was in the body, a hooffull of flesh was removed from the body. It was cut away. Belle Hop told us Midnight's death is linked with the Prison Guard, but couldn't quite point out how. Without much to go on, we decided to go track down Duk.   We arrived at the burnt house, and Sarsaparilla flashes her credentials. I cast Ephemeral Tracking, and took after the trail Duk left behind. It was difficult to find it, but I found a single feather on a roof, that pointed her direction into the Foggy Feywood. We were challenged by a team of Druids who attempted to keep us out, but we talked our way in. Duk had landed on the shore and trekked her way deep into the forest. I followed her with ease, and her tracks stopped at a clear, still pool of water with glowing Dragon Flies.   This area is foreboding, yet beautiful. A heavy fog covers the area. It's hard to see anything, save for Swift Sail, and his blue glow. The tiny Dragon Flies flew around us, and began chanting a riddle:   Set below our winged glow,   The gate below the water   But how to claim what lie within?   You'll need to free her daughters   Through the mist where circles kiss   Is where you'll hear their call   And then you'll see, you'll get the key   If you free them al   The answer was not immediately apparent. We searched the local area, but found nothing of note save for the stone covered in runes, and down below, a door. Ophie attempted to dive into the water, but slid across the surface of the water. Strange magic is at play. I looked closely at some nearby mushrooms, and found them to be Memory Micena. It's unusual to see these mushrooms outside of a cave. Even more so since these are different colors other than blue. These Micena form a Fairy Ring around the pond. I went back to the tracks that Duk and Cher left behind, and ate one of the Micena right next to them. I hoped I could find a valuable memory that might show us answers. I was correct. I several of the Micena, and found some disturbing information. I ate the Memory Micena in the Fairy Circle, and saw memories from the eyes of Cher Nobel.   I'm at a different location, a different circle. I take off my Ushanka. Toss a bit of charcoal into the pool. I'm at a different location, a different circle. I walk to the center, bending down to a frog on a toadstool. There's a flash of magic. I see a grim sight. I look over a bridge, looking dark and stormy. I summon a great anger. I see Duk. My hoof goes out, and clutches at air. Duk collapses. I'm in front of this pool currently in the circle. I put up my hoof, and focus on energies above me. I tap into them.   I described to Ping Wing what happened, and he does just as I described, and uses magic to transport us to a different plane.   The world around us shift rapidly, but I don't feel the effects on my body. Everything just moves around us. We arrive inside the same Fairy Ring, but this time, there's a massive tree that appears burnt in the middle. There's a 2nd Fairy Ring near the tree. We start putting the riddle together, and realize the line where the circles touch is referring to the different Fairy Rings. The tree was very out of place. I attempted to eat the Memory Micena in the 2nd Ring, and my mind of bombarded with images of fire. The Dragon Flies here were panicking. I didn't give up, and ate another. The tree shifted, and erupted like a volcano. It transformed into a Fey creature called a Marmora. I informed the party that it's weak to Cold Iron, and we moved into position.   We delivered some mighty blows thanks to Sarsaparilla being able to magically change her arrows into Cold Iron, and Madame Fortuna eating it, we dispatched the beast. Moon Planter picked up a piece of Charcoal that formed on the body of the Marmora before it exploded, and we were automatically transported back to the original pool. We spent some time healing our wounds, and looked at the Ley Lines again. Ping Wing struggled to read the Ley Lines, but succeeded the second time.   After the world whirled around us, we settled onto a plane with a single Toad Stool, and a Frog sitting upon it. The Dragon Flies here are attempted to flee away from the Frog. They're crying for help, but are unable to escape. I could barely make out the Dragon Flies are being held in place by some kind of rope. Triple stepped forward, and crossed the Fairy Circle. The Frog grew to a massive size, and lashed out with its tongue against Triple. Triple was being held and pulled to the Frog, so I quickly ran forward, and got into position. It's called a Doblagub, and is also weak to Cold Iron. I shouted this to Sarsaparilla, and she went to work.     Sarsaparilla tore into the Doblagub, and her arrows did heavy damage. The creature itself had a difficult hitting us. Triple and I are just too hard to hit. Electra absolutely decimated the creature. She ripped a tree out of the ground, and used it to crush the giant frog. It squished, and got blood everywhere. Swift appeared thankful that he didn't get any guts on his suit. The Dragon Flies fly away, seemingly happy to escape. We transported back to the original pond, and noticed that a single Dragon Fly began forming a key. It appeared 2/3 of the way to completion. I threw in a piece of Charcoal, and waited for something to happened, but it didn't seem to take affect.   I recalled the memory of Cher attacking Duk, and thought that we'd have to do a blood sacrifice. Ping Wing feinted. With him passed out, we discussed other options and figured we would need to tamper with the Ley Lines again. Since these Ley Lines are Primal aligned, I decided to activate them just as Ping Wing had. That's the last thing I remember before regaining consciousness, and vomiting up some kind of vile filth all over Swift. I started slowly remembering what had happened. I was speaking nonsense, and leapt into the water. I was surrounded quickly by some kind of creatures that began grabbing me, and crushing me under water. My lungs were filled with water, and it was Swift who pulled me out. Brought back memories of pulling him out of the river. Thank the Moon Princess I am fortunate to have loyal friends.   Once I had my wits back, I decided not to fiddle with Ley Lines ever again. They hurt my head. Thankfully, whatever I failed at doing seemed to succeed at forming the whole key. Task failed successfully. Tangent had some trouble healing me, but eventually got everything squared away. We took the time to heal, and regain our focus. Triple tied a rope to himself, opened the door, and drained the pond. The Dubious Donjon was open to us, and we went in.   Triple disappeared, and the rope went limp. I shouted to the whole party that we needed to follow him in. Duk's image was on the front door, and it showed her to be the treasure that we could unlock. She's clearly in distress, and we can't abandon her. Now that we're inside, there's no turning back. We're fully dedicated to rescuing Duk, and we'll solve this Donjon's riddles no matter what Hell throws our way.   Upon entering, it's very dark. Most of our party can't see. Below our hooves are the bones of creatures that Triple recognized as his old school gang he used to be affiliated with. The bones began rattling, and we began fighting them. Ophie attempted to Channel Energy, but it unfortunately gave them flesh. No matter how many times we struck them down, no matter how deftly, they kept putting themselves back together. Ping Wing thankfully figured out the answer, and started hitting them with fire.   Once they were burning, they stayed down for good. Looking up, I immediately recognized a bridge that has been destroyed. It's identical to the memory of Cher attacking Duk. This is where it happened. Triple and I approached a destroyed carriage that glowed with the same ghostly glow Ord has now. Three ghosts poured out, and we were thrown back into the mix.   For a brief moment, I thought of Fireheart. I didn't tell her goodbye, and it's possible I may not escape this place. If we lose, we're here forever. I don't want her to worry, which means I can't let my Bannermanes down. No matter what, we solve this Dubious Donjon, and we rescue Duk. No excuses, no exceptions. We will not fail.

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