Session 102 Report

General Summary

Triple Seven's Log

Moon Planter's Log

A decision was made to assign Bannermanes to tasks, so that we can focus our talents on multiple problems. Duk's soul and body is a task best suited to our Diviners, and Resurrection still needs to be learned. While we discussed this in Triple's Mom's house, I received a Message from Fireheart. She was calling for help at the Six-Riddle Safes Bank. It was under attack from undead, and she was alone. I responded, "Inbound." Stockade, Thumbtack, Tangent, Swift, Ord, and I ran to the bank. When we arrived, Fireheart was already in combat with two Grave Knights. We began sprinting to her, but were cut off by two massive skeletal giants. The Grave Knights attacked Fireheart with vicious attacks, and hurt her badly. I used Ping Wing's Elixir to boost my speed, opened my wings, and flew over the skeletons. Swift moved through the skeletons, and Tumbled Through them. I heard the sounds of clashing steel, and ghostly impacts behind me, but my focus was strictly on Fireheart's aid. The Grave Knights surrounded her as she fought back, but deviously struck Fireheart down. I saw red. Babage's treachery would pay a heavy price, and this moment, I let go of any hope for Cher returning to us. She will share his fate.   My mind raced on how to pull Fireheart out of her demise. How I could pull her away to safety. As I calculated my decision, the Grave Knights attempted to put their cursed armor upon her. A glimpse of fear turned to steeled resolve, and I doubled my efforts. Swift, Moon Princess bless him, arrived first, and revived her while putting himself in danger. Fireheart breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted, "I knew I could count on you guys." I pointed out the weaknesses visible on the Grave Knight who stripped off his armor, and hit it with my Falchion. The sound of Thunder cracking through its undead flesh.   The Grave Knight vile visage contorted into disgust, as it's attempt to curse Fireheart has failed. No Bannermane will be allowed to fall prey to Babage's machinations. Especially not one I love. Tangent moved into position and cast her heals. Her strength giving us the push we needed to continue fighting. Fireheart leapt to her hooves, and used her destructive magics to lay waste to the Grave Knights. As we fought, one of the giant skeletons trampled over us.   All manner of evil spells were thrown at us. Swift and I deftly escaped their touch, but Fireheart was struck down again. Swift heavily damaged one of the Grave Knights, and my training permitted me to strike it down. With a powerful heal from Tangent, Fireheart raised to her hooves again, stepped forward to the final Grave Knight, and cast Disintegration into it. Her sword glowed green, and the final Grave Knight fell into a pile of dust.   One of the skeletons remained. I prepared to attack it, and a lamp post flew through the air at it. Ord's ghostly form hasn't hampered her strength in the least. We were trampled once more, but we stood together and felled the monster. Stock's defense of his Bannermanes weakened our enemies, and we brought the final one down. There was no sigh of relief from anyone. Babage's evil must be destroyed. He is irredeemable, and has gained my exclusive attention after this. He may have sought to frighten the Bannermanes, but he has only succeeded in ensuring his own defeat. I will track him down no matter where he hides.   From this moment forward, I will do everything to bring him to justice. He will stand trial, and I'll tie the rope used to hang him personally. I vow this. We entered the Bank, and ensured everyone was okay. I expected all civilians to be dead, but was pleasantly surprised to find the Sphinxes inside still alive.   Two of them were mortally wounded, but Tangent and I brought them back to full health. Tangent was able to cast Calm Emotions upon one of them, and he was able to describe what had happened. Though it's not known where the undead had come from, they did attack the bank vault first. A solid adamantine door was ripped apart, and revealed an impossibly deep hole. It lead down into the Underdark, and once thought mythical place that not much is known of. This shaft is more than 14,000 feet deep, and the cable that lifted the elevator had been cut. Anyone lowering themselves into the hole would have to do so manually.   We questioned the Sphinxes who struggled with Sylvan, so I switched to their language. I inquired if Babbage had been here at the bank, giving the description of Midnight Ace's young appearance. They had no recollection of seeing a pony with that description, so I described Cher thinking his lackey had come in, but still no luck. I thought carefully about who else Babage could've used. I remembered Cher's familiar, Amelia. Describing Amelia's uncanny appearance, the Sphinxes barely recalled a strange pony coming into the bank to make a deposit, and a withdrawal.   Stockade aggressively demanded to know what was deposited, but the Sphinxes tried to keep it concealed because we didn't have proper credentials. One of the Sphinxes retrieved an old book, but the others tried to stop him. I attempted to ask more politely, but the Sphinxes stood their ground. I agreed with Stockade that we were indeed threatening them, and they finally relented. Whatever consequences we face, we'll face them in due time. The book that was pulled out is a grimoire. One that hasn't been accessed in years. I asked who the account belonged to that Amelia accessed. The Sphinxes showed it was indeed Amelia's account, but it had been opened more than 400 years ago. This seemed impossible, so I asked who had originally opened the account. The grimoire showed it was Amelia, but the name had been changed. A wand we carried revealed the original name. Morlog. The implications seemed impossible. I didn't speak them, but Tangent said exactly as I was thinking. Amelia is Morlog. The evidence lines up, but my head was unable to wrap around how it could be possible. Then I remembered the Memory Mycena Cher had eaten revealed a secret to her.   Cher's sorcerer bloodline connects directly to Morlog through her ancestry. If this is true, then first of the Four Horrors has been among us since the beginning. 'Ingsheu Ahi has walked with us from the start, and has looked into the eyes of us all. No secrets are safe, and Astillon is in greater danger than once perceived. I have to show this to Dr. Amden. The Greyweave must know what we've discovered. We're all in danger.   On a personal note, Stockade seemed particularly bothered. He left in a hurry, but not before dropping a locket on the ground. I called after him, but he was already gone. The locket showed a younger picture of him with a mare holding a foal in swaddling clothes. He's never mentioned his family before, and considering our times, they may have been lost. I'll keep this with me until I can return it to him.

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