Session 123 Report

General Summary

Moon Planter's Log

I finally get to work with the dream team. While I'm admittedly excited to work with the finest investigators and trackers in Astillon, I stay focused on the fact that we're working together to find and save the missing civilians. Belle Hop wisely put together a process of elimination with Ophie so we don't waste time in our search for them. Wicker Wind and Balcony Blitz are joining us too. Balcony is still a bit sore about me forgetting his name, and insists on walking next to me so I don't forget again. We decided to seek out Ms. Kammy, the Kamera Kirin to follow up on leads regarding some pictures she was in with missing ponies. We were bombarded with questions regarding some indiscretions by Ophie, but we moved through them quickly. The gate guards were able to stop the crowd, and we continued on to the Kalidaily. I found some of Ms. Kammy's fur, and tracked her. We convinced her to lead us to her office, and to exercise discretion. Belle Hop pulled out her camera hat, and revealed some salacious images of Kammy, with the photos of missing ponies in the background. Kammy doesn't know where that particular pony is, but knows that he's from out of town. Kammy revealed that certain individuals were looking for Clockwork parts for repairs. After Belle Hop and I tried to smooth over Ophio's faux paux, we learned some information from Kammy. The first ponies that went missing started 1-2 weeks before the ball. Kammy revealed Old Bird Baxsterson von Hoffman travels to the east part of town, and she overheard rumors regarding missing ponies at a pastry shop.   Balcony Blitz thought something was strange about the ponies missing 2 weeks ago. Lots of mail was being received, more than usual. Most of the letters were sent to various service workers. We decided to return to the bar where the construct ponies were fought before. We're confused whether they're constructs are possibly Steel Heart ponies. When we arrive, the lights are off When we enter, the pungent stench of decaying flesh emanates through the entire building. It's rancid. I find fresh prints near the door that lead to a back room kitchen. The trail is made by a female hippogriff with a single clockwork leg for her front right talon. Sarsaparilla remembered a jewelry shop owner who works at The Ocean Eye, and Wicker Wind even delivered a letter to her previously. We decided to go visit her. Belle Hop determined that the constructs were made in Goldenport.   When we arrived at The Ocean Eye, I could confirm that she did indeed have a clockwork leg. We began questioning her about why she was in the tavern before, and she confessed she was scavenging for spare parts. With missing repair ponies, and Old Bird Baxsterson von Hoffman getting first dibs on all clockwork parts, repairs have been hard to come by. Wicker Wind asked her about the mass of letters he and Balcony had been delivering, and she brought hers out to us. Inside the envelope was a single component made in Goldenport disguised as a gold coin. Belle Hop was able to use her Robotron 3000, and determine that the component is designed to track whosever's wearing it.   Many of these components were delivered through the mail by Balcony Blitz and Wicker Wind. The deer remembered picking up the letters in Aerilon, and thankfully could determine that the letters are delivered through HUBs. The letters are tracked from Kalidai, to Aerilon, to Strathom, to Wati, and finally to Bleakburn. Wicker and Balcony decided not to deliver the remaining letters. When looking more closely at the component, Belle Hop determined that the piece delivered to the Ocean Eye is not just Goldenport tech, but actually built with Crucible Theorem which means it could be integrated with Madame Fortuna. We may be able to find out more about it with her help.   We tracked down Old Bird Baxsterson by tracking a trail of oil to a large watch tower that was crowded with a large line of ponies. They made a fuss about us cutting in front of them, but a flash of my badge go them to quiet down. We found Old Bird Baxsterson wedged stuck in the hallway. We shoved him loose, and he fell down the stairs. When he stopped at the bottom, Sarsaparilla and I picked him up, and flew him to the top of the dome above the watch tower. A single glass pane made a sky light. Baxsterson yelled out, "BOMBS AWAY!" He's clearly crazy, so I ignored him. Unfortunately, Sarsaparilla decided to drop him. I didn't have the strength to carry him alone, so he dropped through the glass, and crashed to the floor. I patiently chastised Sarsaparilla, and Wicker Wind healed him back to consciousness. He's delirious, but alive. Down below, I saw Ms. Kammy who seemed to be reaching for her kamera. I signaled to her to keep her mouth shut. Sarsaparilla begged me not to tell Dr. Amden. I agreed. I then flew down to speak to Ms. Kammy.   Ms. Kammy was shocked at what we had done, and incredulously assured me that she wouldn't take this to print due to the compromising pictures we have of her. Belle Hop had me ask her about where someone named Lugnuts can be found. He's to the East near a Drop Box. Ms. Kammy then shared some information regarding who we were asking for in regards to the missing ponies. Someone named Ticker had last been seen at the train station. They had not bought a departing ticket. Sarsaparilla helped me carry Old Bird Baxsterson to the ground. She nearly lost her grip, but saved it at the last second. We repaired his wheels, and pushed him to Dr. Lugnuts for repairs. After Old Bird Baxsterson regained consciousness, Belle Hop found a state controller identical to the one found in the mail at The Ocean Eye. When the state controller was removed, Old Bird Baxsterson regained the ability to move faster. He's been unable to for two weeks.   Dr. Lugnut took payment, and Belle Hop noticed another state controller in his pay box. He thought he had been short changed, but he confessed to get parts from a non Clockwork pony at the train station. Belle Hop asked Old Bird Baxsterson about his brother who had become a Mirror Cultist. Baxsterson said he had been talking to the Mirror Cultists several times before, telling them that they'll never be able to stop the ball, but they wouldn't listen. I asked him about the missing ponies, and if he had any ideas on where the Mirror Cultists would have hid them. He didn't have any answers. Only regrets for being a former CIA agent, and his brother who had gotten mixed up with Baxsterson's Diamond. She was the love of his life.   I implored Baxsterson to help us find the missing civilians. He told me he was too old, and wasn't an adventurer anymore. That he had lost his mind for a long time. I said, "And you've been repaired." It took some convincing, but I promised him I'd take him as my plus one to the runway tonight if he helped us find the missing ponies. He called me a liar, but I said if he put on his CIA hat one more time, I'd make sure he gets a front row seat for the runway. He agreed, and we headed for the train station to see if we could find Ticker.   We arrived at 19:28, and Belle Hop noticed that the 19:30 departures were leaving two minutes early. I flew high, and looked for Ticker in the crowd. Failing to find him, I was called down by station staff, and told that there's no flying here. I explained I was on a mission from Mainstitch Kooh-I-Noor, and was left alone. Belle Hop and I approached a Clockwork pony station worker, and let him know who we were looking for. Once we described Ticker, and gave his name, we were lead to an elevator. When I asked if Ticker was still here, the door was slammed shut, and my instincts told me we were headed for trouble.   Upon entering the clock tower, the first thing we see is a clock counting down. This whole damn tower is rigged to explode. I found fur matching the description of Ticker. I collected it, and found a long series of traps all the way up the stairs. Sarsaparilla and I lead the way, moving the traps off to the side. I found signs of several ponies struggling while being pulled up the stairs. My heart sank into my stomach when we reached the top. The entire clock tower is the mechanism being used to count down the bombs. And above them, dozens of ponies, griffins, and hippogriffs are tied and bound, being guarded by construct guards. The bells started to chime. We had mere minutes to save all these civilians, and every second counts.   Belle Hop immediately jumped on top of the central mechanism and began working to deactivate a massive bomb tied there. Four more were identified just below us. The construct guards ran to attack the civilians. Sarsaparilla and I leapt into action to save them. The five guards were quickly destroyed. Belle Hop sent me down below to help Wicker Wind, and Balcony Blitz disable bombs. I wasn't sure how to help them, but I was told that I could lift the massive weights controlling the clock, then I'd slow it down to buy them time.   I flew underneath the nearest weight, and began lifting. Wicker, and Balcony began disconnecting the bombs, and Sarsaparilla disabled the ones they gave her. At one point, massive heat began burning my fur, but I powered through the pain. I lifted as hard as I could, and actually began lifting the weight higher and higher. I wouldn't let my Bannermanes down. Time passed slowly as I could hear every click. The weights were making my muscles shake, and I was dripping sweat. I saw Balcony, Wicker, and Sarsaparilla all working to get the bombs disabled.   I heard the final bombs were disabled, but a large rusted button was found by Balcony Blitz on a control panel. Sarsaparilla shot it with an arrow, and made it budge. I looked to see Belle Hop push it in, but it was needing just a final push. The ringing of the final bell tome rang out through the tower. I dropped the weight, and flew as fast as I could to the control unit. Balcony Blitz ducked down. I tried to drop my shoulder into it, but I slipped.   The final ring began to tome out, and I punched the rusted button as hard as I could. The bombs were finally defused, and the civilians were safe. I lit a cigar as my Bannermanes were celebrating. We returned to the civilians, and I found Ticker. He had been attacked, and tied up with the rest. He told me he was there to fix the clock tower, and had nothing to do with the kidnapped civilians, or the bombs. I believe him. I gave him a healing elixir, and we untied everyone.   Baxsterson met us at the bottom of the stairs as we collected the smaller bombs all the way down the tower. Baxsterson opened the door for us, and welcomed us back. He had destroyed over a dozen constructs while we were up there. He watched our backs. Now it's time to get everyone back to their families, and make it to the Runway in time.

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