Session 124 Report

General Summary

Swift's Log

As we were leaving the auction we met up with the rest of the lot of us who were returning from their heroics in rescuing the missing ponies. They left a juicy story for Cammy from the sounds of it! She even apologized to Ophie, and the CIA took the bomb they had secured, and Agent 6 said the CIA would take it from there. Electra showed off the book she bought which turned out to belong to Sarsy. It was a pretty sinister looking book, covered in skin and all! That raised a few eyebrows, mine included. Up next for all of us was the runway! Though I had a LOT more to do than just get dressed. After what Misty revealed to me, and you’ll forgive me that I’m not at liberty to fully fill in the details, I hatched an ingenious idea with Jinx.   Magnifique found us and pulled us to the runway staging area so we could get ready. We were all wonderfully prepped and groomed. With preparations complete, all that was left to do was wait for the runway to start, but I had more to do yet! Quickly, I stepped away to find Ping Wing and had him immediately spin up a cast of teleport to take us to Bleakburn! My goal was to find the REAL Eugene Mango and bring him back to Kalidai. Duk, Ping Wing, and I ran into Dr. Amden along the way who mentioned troubles with gobbos in the city, as well as pointed us in the right direction. After finding Mango, he accepted my invitation to join us in Kalidai and to take up a spot on the runway! We also found Peck, the snowy griffon we had met in Aerilon who wanted to come along. The more the merrier! Though I didn’t have time to stick around with them once we teleported back. Time was ticking away! I grabbed Mango and pulled him off to find Kaffe. Kaffe had purchased a few of Magnifique’s designs at the auction, and I needed Mango to have one of them for the runway. Kaffe helped spruce him up.   Back at the runway, Nettlekiss was getting nervous over the absence of who she thought to be Mango but was really Crazy Eights. Misty had played her part wonderfully in keeping them away from the event as per my brilliant plan. The rest of the party continued their personal preparations for their runway presentations, and I finally caught back up to them with Duk, Ping Wing, Peck, and Mango. I had a final gift for Jinx, an elaborate, gemmed dagger that was befitting of a lady like her and would give her already alluring look an extra touch of excitement. Magnifique stepped away after some final words of encouragement. Out in the crowd, Triple Sevens gathered some fayleaf and other substances for his own small ploy.   Night had come, and dazzling stage lights began to shine as Koh-I-Noor made her entrance to wish us luck before entering the dome. I led the charge alongside Jinx as we started to march out onto the runway and make as grand of an entrance as we could. To say I was surprised with the way my party pulled themselves together to show themselves off is an understatement. Suddenly I wasn’t the only one interested in making a grand impression, and a name for themselves. From kobolds to mirrors to bank vaults and all the rest, everyone was ready to embrace the fame that came with timeless glory, and I was incredibly proud of them all. A grand grin lay on my face watching them one after the other. To describe each and every one would take up too many pages, but I will say Sarsaparilla surprised me the most with a breathtaking, dazzling display involving her playing cards, and her archery skill. She immediately stole the show, and I couldn’t blame her after the negative press she’d received all weekend. I could hardly recognize her. Was this the same mare wearing rags and tacky floral-pattern vacation shirts?   This is where the fun really started to begin, I have to say! Once we were all on stage there were other models from other designers making attempts to upstage each of us. Using our own unique talents and abilities, we were able to hold our ground in numerous magnificent displays. Those in the crowd that decided against the runway: Triple, Ord, and Fireheart, made their efforts to sway the votes in our direction through starting playful chants. Triple was active with making wagers and convincing audience members to vote in our favor. As expected back up on stage, it was Buckback who chose to challenge me. I took the opportunity to show off my new weapon to the world: Discharge after I had infused my Traveler’s Day gift with my old rapier. I then led Buckback into one of my signature leading dances with an added flare of my bladed hoop and a cast of a Blazing Dive. I have to admit he had talent with his cane and firearm, but he was ultimately no match for me.   That was only the beginning of his troubles, however. Mango, the real Eugene Mango wanted in on the fun and challenged Buckback himself! Much to Buckback’s confusion as he expected this Mango to be his #1, Crazy Eights. In the crowd, Triple Sevens grew confused as he realized Mango was wearing one of Magnifique’s outfits that I had put him in, despite Mango being a model for Nettlekiss. Still yet to go was Jinx, and her target was the mysterious Ravine Enigma. Backed by my encouragement, Jinx challenged her in the dome itself where the stage was even bigger! A neck-and-neck battle of seduction and sexuality saw Jinx on top, of course! Never doubted my mare for a SECOND and I was so glad the whole city could see her for as dazzling and divine of a mare as she truly is, out of the shadows of her sister or anyone else. Inspired, I rushed forward to give her a big kiss, and tell her how incredible I thought she was, backed by a level of love I didn’t think I’d ever feel again.   With all the ‘battles’ finished, we were left to face judgement by the Crystal Dragon. One by one we stepped up. Again to steal the spotlight was Sarsaparilla who made the ultimate statement of pulling, and ripping her dress in defiance of a society who perhaps values outward appearance a bit too much. The last to approach was Eugene Mango, as prideful as ever in getting to show off his wonderful toaster invention on the grandest stage of them all. As expected, Koh-I-Noor’s judgmental eyes scanned Mango head to hoof and cast a poor review of his outfit, only to be surprised to learn that it was Magnifique’s design! A little slight hoof magic from Jinx played a large part in confusing the Crystal Dragon in this case. The ever so influential audience heard this, noting Koh-I-Noor’s negative review of Magnifique!