Session 117 Report

General Summary

In the wake of the Mirrorer’s attack on the ball, the party reconvenes at Kaffe’s Corner where they learn just how expeditious the Kalidaily writers are. Articles of them all have already been produced in the day’s first issue of the Kalidaily where they are categorized between The Good, The Bad, and The Unsightly to which the unfortunate Sarsaparilla takes home worst in show. She along with Ophie who received bad words from Kammy the camera kirin take exception, and fires are lit under their tails. Electra seemed a little disappointed as well. Swift Sail is disappointed in his showing during the fight in the dome. The High Rollers were ready for action. Triple Sevens tried to get information on Shabaka, and plant seeds within the CIA that it’s not a good idea to hold him. After that he and Lisa got up to some fun trouble! Triple made a grand impression on the reserved artist by showing her how to be mischievous, something that she seemed to have a lot of fun with! Meanwhile Sarsy was pickpocketing camera crystal from Kammy, leaving her notes vowing to show that she hadn’t lost her edge! Wicker Wind and Balcony Blitz fear they aren’t seen as individuals, and decide to try splitting up. Attention continued to be brought to the fact that the ball was understaffed due to service workers being warned to stay away. Everywhere the party looked, there was no service and decided to visit Koh-I-Noor after being summoned. The party took the opportunity to formally meet the crystal dragon. Koh-I-Noor comes up with the idea that this year’s best fashion can be immortalized in the stain-glass window that had been broken during the previous fight. Koh-I-Noor requests that Belle Hop’s bellhop friends come and assist in servicing the party. Triple Sevens butts in calling out the statue of Shabaka and his mentor. Koh-I-Noor declares that if they can be absolved of their guilt, she will un-crystalize them. Koh-I-Noor and Sarsaparilla trade camera crystals. Triple continues to explore other avenues of releasing Shabaka and sneaks a sip of kirin special to take the form of a silver kirin and tries to convince Koh-I-Noor that he has known her since she was an egg and spins a whimsical tale of her owing other debts. Koh-I-Noor seems calm, and somewhat believes Triple but wishes to speak with whomever she may owe a debt to.   After Triple makes an incredible exit, Koh-I-Noor continues sharing her concerns for not having staff at her party. She names a rate of 10 platinum pieces per day for employees. Belle Hop and Sarsaparilla are both eager to accept that rate, and Ping Wing is eager to use his new teleport spell to go to Bellmare and come back with workers. Swift Sail agrees to lend his diplomatic assistance in recruiting bell mares in exchange for a private picture with Koh-I-Noor in her kirin form. She agrees, and Ping Wing, Swift Sail, Sarsaparilla, Ophie and Belle Hop all teleport to the Crescent Wing Hotel in Bellmare. The party meets Belle Hop’s old boss, Mr. Bossman and propose taking some Bellmares for work. He is all too enthused at the price. Mr. Bossman also mentions the want to build a teleportation circle in Bellmare. He also gives Sarsaparilla a spare uniform so she can work the ball. The party meets the assortment of Bellmares that will be joining them. Swift Sail convinces them to climb into a bag of holding for ease of transport, and everyone returns to the crystal throne room. Wicker Wind gives the crystal dragon a package from The Traveler, and the dragon joins Swift Sail in a side room where they take a private picture together in her more equine form  

Anon's Log


Triple's Log

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