Session 109 Report

General Summary


Planter's Log

What is there to say? We failed. Despite knowing Cher would likely be waiting for us, I didn't expect Babbage to show his smug face. Copies of ourselves stood across from us, and both Cher and Babbage laughed at us. They seemed confident that we'd give them what they wanted, so I decided we should crush their dreams right in front of them. Swift Sail spied Evil Triple Sevens attempting to pick pocket him, but he dashed through the mirror before we could catch him. It seems our evil copies can pass through the mirror without issue. Due to this, Evil Triple was able to steal away the Crucible Key to 'Enekini Kai while we slept the previous day. Cher held it up, and gloated. She demanded we turn over Wela's Warhammer, and Morlog's Breath Gem as well. I set the Gem on the floor, and Ord attempted to crush it, but it didn't leave a scratch. That's when we realized that we won't be able to destroy these artifacts. Triple was able to cause a distraction, and swapped out the real Breath Gem for a fake. When Wela's Warhammer crushed it, it left behind pink dust. This sent Babbage and Cher into a small panic, while Fireheart debated him through the mirror. Triple devised a plan to get them to fight each other, and proceeded to throw his voice with insults at Cher, and Babbage. Both thought they other was insulting them, so we began to make it spread through their ranks. I called out insults to Evil Fireheart, and Swift Sail focused on his evil self. Evil Tangent, and Evil Ord began fighting first. I noticed my evil self was paying attention to the front of the mirror, and saw the cloven hoof prints of Jinx. I couldn't give her away, so I began pounding the mirror to distract my evil self's Echolocation. I don't know why she's here, or how she found us, but if Jinx can get us out, I'll take what I can get. Our plan was working. For all the danger these idiots pose, they're impatient, and easily manipulated. Evil Ord and Evil Tangent started trading blows. This caused Evil Ord to charge into the mirror, and crack it. During that time, one of the magical chains fell. Before long, the mirror was shattered, and we were free. I knew Cher's possession of the Crucible Key was the biggest risk, so I charged after her. Right past an undead dragon Babbage had conjured. I reached out to grab Cher, but failed as I whiffed against her Mirror Images. What proceeded was an intense battle of magic, and steel. Cher was able to fly into the air, and out of reach of me. Babbage's skills as a Monk made him difficult to hit. I did all I could to bring Cher down, and even had expert help from Fireheart. Though we weakened Cher, we couldn't kill her. Babbage was successfully brought down multiple times, but always got back to his hooves.   I attempted to kill the Evil Fireheart so my Fireheart would be free to use her magic on Cher. Evil Fireheart struck me with Disintegration, and I nearly crumpled. Babbage struck the back of my head, and I lost consciousness. I awoke, and with blurry vision, saw Cher flying high over my head. She laughed. In desperation, I reached into my Bag of Holding, and withdrew my Bow. I gave it my all, but missed. Cher flew away, and resurrected Evil Tangent. I stood, and saw Babbage unconscious. Triple shouted at me to end Babbage there, but I foolishly believed he was subdued. Evil Tangent brought him back, and he threatened us once again. I saw Ord on the floor, and gave her an Elixir to put her back in the fight. Our numbers were thinning, but so were our enemies'. I moved to aim my bow again at Cher, and landed a successful blow, but not enough to drop her. She disappeared. Without my wings, I could not reach her. I raised my sword against Babbage, landed a single blow, and missed all the others. My strength was nearly spent. Babbage began laughing, teleported away, just as the Thread Rippers had, and then... nothing. I don't remember what happened. It was as though I had been dropped into a dark well and didn't know how to get out. All around me was darkness, and silence. I wasn't at peace, but I wasn't afraid either. I just existed as a floating spec, unseen by anything. Where had my friends gone? My Bannermanes? Fireheart? Where was she?   I tried to move, but couldn't. Then, I felt a warmth, like a gentle embrace guiding me. I could not see, nor hear, only know that I was needed. I trusted the warmth until it felt like a searing heat. Pain shot over my soul, and I gasped for air. My entire body ached, and I remembered where I was. My Bannermanes needed me, and it was Saint Tangent who had called me back. I looked, but didn't see our enemies. Cher and Babbage were simply gone. I stumbled across the paths of blood in this room, and could barely acknowledge Fireheart as she commanded me to stop. She begged me not to pursue them because she just watched me die. She couldn't bare to see me die again. But our enemies were still within reach. My despiration peaked. If we pursued them, we'd catch them before they left. But if we died, no one would know what has happened. Cher and Babage have the Crucible Key, and Morlog's Breath Gem. They're both hurt, and insane. We can not let them live.

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