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Session 9 | The Wave Soaked Maiden II Report

General Summary

After finishing their battle abord the Wave Soaked Maiden, the group discussed their next steps. Ren, joh'nee & Harvey head back to the Black Pearl along with Queso & Bandito. They report that they have taken control of the Wave Soaked Maiden and begin to bring provisions from the Black Pearl to the Wave Soaked Maided to ready her for the sea.


Dee, Fresident, Ja'deite & Geppetto disembark from the Wave Soaked Maiden to proceed to the Prima Donna. Before proceeding down the dock, Dee places the googly eyes of Sentience on the Wave Soaked Maiden. Suddenly, she comes to life and welcomes the party. Dee informs her that she is the new captain and provides instructions to await further orders.


The group head to the Prima Donna and notice that there are some Rodents of Unusual Size (R.O.U.S) guards on deck. Geppetto immediaty engages them in conversation asking how many crackers they can fit in their ass. This promts a battle among the guards & The Cloacas.


After the battle, the group listens into determine what is ocuring behund the door, Fresident uses thalmaturgy to boost his voice, using a rodent language taught by Geppetto. 7 pirates emerge to investigate the source of the sound. Before a battle can ensue, Dee invokes parlay. Frustratingly, the group is taken through the door into the captain's chambers.


The group learns that Captain Morgan and his crew are planning to attack and take over Greggor's Grotto. After a failed attempt to persuade the Captain to join forces, the group is forced into battle. Dee, quickly, slams the door shut ( which automatically locks due to the locking spell echanted on the door).

Curse of the Old Gods

Fresident Nacho Shaykahbaybie

Deandra Reynoldsson

Report Date
11 Mar 2022

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