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Session 4 | The Escape Report

General Summary

The cloacas exit the underwater tunnel to find themselves in another cavern. After some investigating they find their way down the dark passage way


The sound of clanging echos down the chamber leading our heroes into another opening with another pool of water. The ghost of a dwarf appears before them, persuading them to pick up tools and assist with digging.


The cloacas decide not to help the ghost and venture deeper into the cave.


They find upon an encampment of fellow prisoners who had escaped the prison and had made camp in the old abandoned campsite of the dwarfs. This group calls themselves The Demigods, led by Ren. After a failed attempt to persuade Ren to join them, the Cloacas are escorted to the exit of the cave

The group swims their way through another hidden cavern,exiting inside a cove they feel the warm sunlight as they step back into the light.

Curse of the Old Gods

Fresident Nacho Shaykahbaybie

Deandra Reynoldsson

Report Date
10 Feb 2022

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