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Session 5| Above Ground Report

General Summary

After emerging from the tubbel, the party ventures Inside the nearby storage unit with the help of Mitch. After some investigation the partiy discovers their missing equipment as well as a top hat and a Coat of Arms.

There are few guards out patrolling and a small amount of NPCs scattered. The cloacas ignore all of this and head inside the General store.

After murdering the shop keep, an innocent patron, 2 guards and robbing the place, they head towards the docks.

They party examines the 3 docked ships before deciding to commandeer the Black Pearl

Ren from the caverns, catches up in time to join the party as they board the ship

As they set off, a voice emerges from below deck "What's going on up there?".                     [/spoiler]

Curse of the Old Gods

Fresident Nacho Shaykahbaybie

Deandra Reynoldsson

Report Date
11 Feb 2022

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