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Session 8 | The Wave Soaked Maiden Report

General Summary

Sessions 6-8


The Cloaca's battled their way out of Greger's Grotto and to the docks. After investigating the 3 ships before them, The Prima Donna, The Wave Soaked Maiden, and The Black Pearl, the party chose to board The Black Pearl.


Ready to fight their way through the crew to commandeer the vessel, Deandra led a diplomatic approach with the First Mate. As it so happened, the crew was planning a mutiny against their Captain. Captain Crunch made his living scouring the lands for poor souls to kidnap and transport to Greger's Grotto for coin. These prisoners would then fight in the arenas.


The crew, while they were in fact pirates, preferred a life of adventure and treasure instead of human trafficking. The Cloacas were able to convince the crew to assist in clearing Greger's Grotto from the map. After far too much planning and indecisive action, the First Mate indicated that they would happily assist in bombing the arena from the seas while The Cloaca's cleared by land.


The Cloacas disembarked The Black Pearl, along with Ren, and 2 of the Black Pearl's Officers. The headed to the next ship docked nearby, The Wave Soaked Maiden, led by Captain Kangaroo.


Splitting the Party

The Wave Soaked Maiden was far less staffed than The Black Pearl. The team split up to explore the ship.


Queso began the search below deck. Beginning on the Middle Deck, Queso ventured room to room scanning for hostiles. After clearing the Middle Deck with no issue, he headed below to the Lower Deck. During his investigation of the Lower Deck, Queso found the Ship Cook's Bag of Endless Sandwiches. While a rare and wonderous item on land, it is fairly common among the Cooks of the many Pirate Crews at sea.


Bandito & Geppetto followed to the Middle Deck where they investigated the various barrel sizes based upon the standard size of coin/per small animal anus ratio. As the stumbled around the Middle Deck chaotically, they kicked up some hostile pirates below at the opening in the middle of the ship. Naturally, they began to shit on them in an attempt to indicate they would like to begin a scuffle.


A fight breaks out between the Geppetto, Bandito (on the main deck), Queso (on the lower deck) and the 3 pirates (lower deck). Queso is the first to fall, letting out a loud cry for help.


Ja', Nacho, Deandra, Ren, John'ee & Harvey remained on the upper deck. Ja' started exploring the nearby rooms. The first room investigated contained two crew members who found some time to express their forbidden love for each other while the rest of the crew were ashore. Ja' quickly back tracked to give the two lovers some privacy. She then continued to explore the captain's quarters. After searching thoroughly, she headed back to Nacho & Deandra but was intercepted by the two pirates who had finished their rendezvous. They wasted no time questioning Ja' and attacked.


Nacho & Deandra went off to investigate as they overheard Ja's attackers. The 3 quickly dispatched of the two pirates. They died as they lived, together. Nacho further investigated the Captain's quarters looking for anything of interest. Among several valuable treasurs, they discovered the following notable items.

  • Googly Eyes of Sentience
  • An unknown rolled map
  • A sliver medallion
  • A black powder pistol

After pillaging, Ja', Deandra & Nacho left the chambers to meet up with the rest of the party. Overhearing a load cry, they rush to Ren, John'nee & Harvey (who were keeping watch above deck) and followed the sound down below deck

  The party regroups at the shit battle on the Middle/Lower Deck. The Cloacas come out successful and are able to revive Queso before tragedy strikes our heroes.

Curse of the Old Gods

Fresident Nacho Shaykahbaybie

Deandra Reynoldsson

Report Date
06 Mar 2022

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