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Session Two| Greger's Grotto Report

General Summary

This natural cavern is about forty feet from wall to wall. Beams of sunlight shine in through gratings far overhead, well over one hundred feet up. The floor is covered in a fine sand. In centre of the cavern is a large, deep pool of water.


The Cloacas find themselves in a damp cool cavern. The cave walls extend up 140 ft to an opening roughy 40 ft wide.

The opening of the cavern; however, it blocked by a thick grate preventing escape. Behind them is an iron gate. In front of our heroes is a large pool of saltwater. There are other human prisoners scattered around the cave walls.


Queso Blanco is suddenly vanishes into thin air and is replaced by Colonel Sanders. He offers our heroes a sampling of his chicken before scampering off into the cave


After some exploring, The Cloacas meet Bandito Sane, a half-orc and fellow prisoner. Other notable character in the cave are:

  • XANTHE JONQUIL: an elderly human cleric, is the kindly leader of the human clique of prisoners.
  • HAGUUR: An orc prisoner who tires of the other orc's favorite past-time
  • LORALIE THE LOOSE: The human prison whore, who among being talented with her vagina also is skilled with smuggling items into the prison. She tragically dies while being plowed into the cavern wall

Upon the tragic untimely death of LORALIE THE LOOSE, Sweet Dee locates a map on her remains

Rewards Granted

World Map from Greger's Grotto

Curse of the Old Gods

Fresident Nacho Shaykahbaybie

Deandra Reynoldsson

Report Date
21 Jan 2022
Primary Location
Greger's Grotto

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