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Session 16 | Gia's Areola Report

General Summary

The crew press on through the only open path before them as they are unable to return from the way they came. They come to a large stone door with an inscription reading "What is the most musical part of a chicken?" After some discussion, Ja'Deite, solves the riddle , the drumstick, opening the door for them to continue on.


As the group presses on around the corner ahead of them, they encounter a large hoard of Pangs. Mr. Fresident narrowly ecapes with his life as the slay the last Pang. Post battle, they discuss their next steps when a twig breaks nearby & a voice greets them, "Heeeeellllllllooooooo Traaaaavelllllerrrrs"

Curse of the Old Gods

Fresident Nacho Shaykahbaybie

Deandra Reynoldsson

Report Date
04 May 2022

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