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Season 2 | Session 2 Report

General Summary

Ja'Deite & Deeandra flee to the coastline of the island. As they are assessing the best method of escape, Ja'Deite hears the familiar voice of Davine. In an exposition dump, Davine and other goddess, Norribow, confront Ja'Deite & Deeandra as they flee. They demand to know why they are fleeing their destiny. They have a duty to help rid the world of the old gods. The Cloacas bloodlines were never intended to meet; however, there were 2 unexpected events. 1) The gods never anticipated 2 soulmates to come from the demigod bloodlines & 2) Gregor sought out you 6 & intentially brought you all together to begin the process of resurecting Noble Garland

Micha ToCH, or as you all know him, Mitch, was hiding among you. Siphoning power from you all and by extension, the gods. When Gepetto was slain, his soul left this mortal plane and the God JoElmo Snips, returned to his former power. He has gone mad from the corrupted senile soul of Gepetto and is know a threat to the greater good. It is evident to us, that all of the old gods must die, us included.


Davine offers a deal to Ja'DEite & Deeandra. Kill the renegade god, JoElmo Snips. Once completed, Davine & Norribow will free them from their binding to destiny. The pair refuse, but Norribow sensing their love for one another, honors the request to free them. She offers to transport them to Vallarcia, and gives them a sending stone to communicate with the Cloacas, as well as two pieces of parchment to give to their potential replacements.


Meanwhile, Mr Fresident attempts to shit through the portal is anger, causing the portal to close behind them.

Curse of the Old Gods

Fresident Nacho Shaykahbaybie

Deandra Reynoldsson

Report Date
11 Aug 2022

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