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Session 10 | The Prima Donna Report

General Summary

The battle picks up from last session. The group quickly learns that they are out powered as the captain is far stronger than they thought. Soon, the crew begins coming through via a hatch above, crowding the cramped room.

Soon, a large boom occurs in the room, throwing some of the officers around. At the center of the room, stands a handsome, half-elf wearing a long flowing red jacket. He looks confused, but soon joins in the battle. Queso also rejoins The Cloacas to help with the growing battle.


Both the Captain & the First Mate, escape the captains quarters, locking the door behind them ( magically) and head down below deck. Geppetto is able to strike them with Moonbeam, prompting both the Wave Soaked Maiden & the Black Pearl to begin attacked. The Wave soaked Maiden fires first at the Prima Donna while the Black Pearl begins to move into position. The Quartermaster is able to use a sending stone to communicate below deck, advising them to take the ship to the air. Soon after he is killed by Mr. Fresident & Dee is able to pick up the rock and belay the order

After finishing off the rest of the crew in the room with them, The Cloaca's begin to abandon ship.

  • Ja'Deite, jumps from the balcony to the dock with a perfect Super Hero landing
  • Ja'i, (the mysterious traveler), follows suit but does not make the jump. Ja'Deite, grabs his hand before he falls into the sea
  • Queso, remains on the balcony watching Ja'Deite.
  • Dee picks up Geppetto and tosses him out a broken window into the sea. She remains by the window
  • Geppetto turns into an alligator as he hits the water
  • Mr. Fresident begins heading to the backyard
Curse of the Old Gods

Fresident Nacho Shaykahbaybie

Deandra Reynoldsson

Report Date
20 Mar 2022

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