Session 24: Barbarian Mound Report

General Summary

After recuperating at the Nighthunt following their battle with Master Dunrat, the party awoke the next morning to find a new visitor had arrived, Alanor Thundertree. Alanor hails from the Swordcoast and is travelling to Cormyr. On his way up the Delimbiyr Valley, between Loudwater and the Nighthunt, he heard strange mechanical noises coming from the Southwood.   With several of the party resting, Khusrov, Orlac, and Alanor decided to travel down the road to investigate. They entered the forest where Alanor had heard the noises and after some scrambling throught the forest they happened upon an mound, and believed it to be human (or other) made.   Struggling through a perimeter of thorns, the three made it to the top of the barrow and discovered an entrance leading to narrow, twisting passages. A room with a suit of animated armour, holding an ancient barbarian axe was merely the first of their troubles. After this, the passages confused the party and, perhaps under some spell, they were continually lost. They entered rooms as passages multiple times, found skeletal remains, and multiple cackling flameskulls.   Eventually the three happened upon a room containing relics of the long dead barbarian king entombed in the mound, but a gnome had gotten there first! The gnome esscaped through a hole in the ceiling with the aid of some mechanical pully and was gone. After leaving the mound, the three tried to track the gnome, but were unsuccessful. Alanor did find something dropped by the wee demi-human: a periscope of sorts, a brass telescoping spy-glass that can see around corners. Engraved on the device was the phrase, "Property of S. Zilston", Beaufort De Montague's professor from Waterdeep. This is the second time the party has come across Professor Zilston (see Session 13: Beaufort's Rude Awakening Report). Recounting their adventure back at the Nighthunt, Beaufort, nor anyone else, could detemine why Zilston's name had crossed their path so frequentlty...

Rewards Granted

Orlac, Khusrov, and newly arrived Alanor Thundertree each receive 800 XP.

An ancient barbarian mound in the forest and what laid within...

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
05 Apr 2021

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