Daggerford Militia

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Mislaid Realms
February 2020 | Looking for Players


  • Daggerford Region
    A map of the central Sword Coast highlighting Daggerford and the Delimbiyr Vale
Supporting Cast
  • Baron Agwain
    An impulsive Baron of lands near Secomber. Tested in battle, but wanting of character.
  • Alanor Thundertree
    Rugged, quiet, thoughtful.
  • Athemal Overburden
    A timid hobbit, but he grills a mean sausage and is handy with a rake.
  • Bishimzon (Deceased)
    A wizard who, with a group of bandits attacked The Reborn as they returned to Daggerford from the Misty Forest.
  • Blackeye
    Blackeye is a font of information, discrete in respect of his "customters", and not to be crossed.
  • Bronwyn Daggerford
    The beguiling sister of the Duke and formidable mind in her own right. She is reputed to be a spell-caster.
  • Burne
    A wizard and, along with Rufus, a de facto Lord of Secomber. Rufus has a keen and inquisitive mind. He is quick to temper and does not suffer fools.
  • Cannoness Y'Dey
    Cannoness at the Church of Torm in Secomber. Wary, quiet and powerful, Y'Dey is kept awake at night by thoughts of the evil in the High Moor. She was instrumental in defeating the Temple of Elemental Evil 10 years ago, joining forces with Elmo Gildas at the battle of Emridy Fields.
  • Chatrilon Unosh
    Chatrilon is an adventurer currently in Secomber.
  • Elmo Guildas
    Captain of the Secomber militia. He helped repel the elemental evil a decade ago, but now Elmo desires to live simply, watch over his village, and allow its people to thrive.
  • Emmanuel Woodsmoke
    I met this roving vagabond in town one day and had a talent for the lute, never looked back. I'll pay dad back the 20 gold I took, but then again it's my inheritance right, I deserve it don't I? Well I fell in with a bad crowd and we went on a bit of a rustling spree. With the authorities closing in (kinda my fault that one heh, sorry guys they made me talk (kinda)), I slipped away in the confusion and made my way to the coast. A few tombs and a few bars and came across this bag; damn it, worst thing I ever did, now the bag's stuck with me and the thing inside thinks I'll make a good carrier. It has a master somewhere out in the void between the stars brrr it whispers to me occasionally calls itself Cthulhu, or maybe it sneezed? Course to be fair, my new dark patron has aided me with a few choice spells, so i'll make the best of a bad situation...seems the thing in the bag wants to go somewhere but I'm feeling a bit uneasy about it...
  • Lord Geildarr Ilthym
    Vindictive, scheming, intelligent
  • Greatbranch the Treant
    A steward of the Misty forest and recently cured of sickness by The Reborn and Morton the ghost.
  • Kelthas the Dread
    The Originals encountered the necromancer Kelthas in the drawven mines of Illefarn. In battle Kelthas dissipated into cloud of purple gas and floated through cracks in the ceiling. Was he truly defeated?
  • Laysan Fireblade
    A quiet and intense figure, Laysan exudes Tormʻs righteousness, but he also seems to care for those lacking direction in their lives.
  • Meronal
    The leader of the Drow contingent in the Misty Forest Tree fortress.
  • Noodle
    Typically dies by the end of each sesssion.
  • Owenden (nee Orcslayer)
    Owenden is the owner of the Lady Luck Tavern in Daggeford. He fought with the militia during the Dragonspear Castle invasion, but his adventuring days were limited. He loves a good story and many of his recounted exploits are just that.
  • Duke Pwyll Daggerford
    Pwyll came to his dukedom early in life after the fall of his father. ‘Greatshout’ comes from his fabled yell, as if he is using the Horn of Blasting. He apparently used this mighty power during the seige of Dragonspear castle in 1356 DR.
  • Spugnoir
    He appears to be a bit dowdy, but Spugnoir has seen many an adventure. He has settled in Secomber and raises his precocious daughter alone since the death of his wife. Spugnoir has been known to dabble in adventuring...
  • Vister Elentyne
    An earnest half-eleven Paladin
  • Xaod the Slayer
    A wayward paladin of Tyr, Xaod tries to bring justice to those deserving, but his boorishness and love of drink sometimes gets the better of him.

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 16th January 2022 9:00

Session 51: sub-levels of the Inner Fane

Sessions Archive

4th Jun 2022

Session 60: the fire node

Read the Report
23rd May 2022

Session 59: the aboleth!

Read the Report
23rd Apr 2022

Session 58: breaking and entering the temple

Read the Report
22nd Apr 2022

Session 57: Tigers, oh my!

Read the Report
3rd Apr 2022

Session 56: Moving on...

Read the Report
6th Mar 2022

Session 55: Arcane Eye of the Behoder

Read the Report
27th Feb 2022

Session 54: There be Giants

Read the Report
22nd Feb 2022

Session 53: Breaking and Entering the Temple

Read the Report
25th Jan 2022

Session 52: hang in there baby!

Read the Report
10th Jan 2022

Session 50: the Inner Fane routed?!

Read the Report
9th Dec 2021

Session 49: the Triad takes a lickin'

Read the Report
30th Nov 2021

Session 48: Climbing the Tower

Read the Report
14th Nov 2021

Session 47: Entering the Inner Fane

Read the Report
8th Nov 2021

Session 46: The Outer Fane is Done!

Refer to session title.

Read the Report
3rd Nov 2021

Session 45: Hedrack's Demise

Hedrack has fallen...

Read the Report
30th Oct 2021

Session 44: Diplomatic Relations

Wherein the heroes meet several ambassadors (from hell).

Read the Report
20th Oct 2021

Session 43: Secrets Revealed

The heroes encounter a friend with much to say.

Read the Report
10th Oct 2021

Session 42: the prison

a view to Hedrack and the prisoners...

Read the Report
3rd Oct 2021

Session 41: old friends and new enemies

A figure from the past comes back to the heroes

Read the Report
23rd Sep 2021

Session 40: of vampires and demons

Read the Report
18th Sep 2021

Session 39: what evil in the inner fane?

Read the Report
10th Sep 2021

Session 38: entering the Inner Fane

What lies across the bridge?

Read the Report
3rd Sep 2021

Session 37: the demon you know

Not quite at the bridge yet...

Read the Report
22nd Aug 2021

Session 36: to the bridge!

If only it were that easy.

Read the Report
15th Aug 2021

Session 35: friends or enemies...

The adventurers may encounter a bit of both...

Read the Report
2nd Aug 2021

Session 34: more dwarven mines...

Continue in the mines , or prove yourself against the denizens of the inner crater?

Read the Report
13th Jun 2021

Session 33: fire and air

Pass judgement upon the remaining elemetal temples, or breach the outer fane?

Read the Report
30th May 2021

Session 32: Attack at the Water Temple!

Read the Report
23rd May 2021

Session 31: over the bridge of doom

Do you fear to go where Beaufort last tread?

Read the Report
20th May 2021

Session 30: fire, earth, air, and water in the Crater Ridge Mines

Read the Report
15th May 2021

Session29: Trapped in the Mines

After defeating Uskathoth will the party delve deeper or retreat?

Read the Report
7th May 2021

Session 28: the Crater Ridge Mines

The party just completed a pitched battle in the mines. What will they do next?

Read the Report
21st Apr 2021

Session 27: Back in Llorkh

After their rekkie to the temple in the mountains will the players return...

Read the Report
15th Apr 2021

Session 26: Temple in the Mountains?

The party splits up! Emmanuel travels to Loudwater, Garadin and Khusrov explore Llokrh and the rest head to the mountains.

Read the Report
5th Apr 2021

Session 25: Arriving Llorkh!

What awaits the party in this Zhentariam controlled mining town?

Read the Report
5th Apr 2021

Session 24: Barbarian Mound

What makes the mechanical noises in the Southwood?

Read the Report
10th Mar 2021

Session 23: the journey to Llorkh

Will the party take up the challenge and venture to Llorkh. What will they find there? Resolution of their quest or more questions?

Read the Report
4th Mar 2021

Session 22: Off to Llorkh?

Clues lead the party to a mining town in the mountains. Will they find their answers there?

Read the Report
7th Feb 2021

Session 21: Leaving the Temple

Will the party make it back to Secomber...

Read the Report
27th Jan 2021

Session 20: Hobgoblin hordes in the Temple

Last time the battle was raging. Will it get better or worse?

Read the Report
17th Jan 2021

Session19: Temple Hobgoblins or Worse?

Are there only bugbears in the 'abandoned' temple or worse?

Read the Report
16th Jan 2021

Session 18: Will the Moathouse ever end?

Still deep within the moathouse, will the party make it out alive?

Read the Report
29th Dec 2020

Session 17: Escaping the moathouse?

Will they uncover the truth beneath the moathouse?

Read the Report
27th Dec 2020

Session 16: Moathouse Dungeon--death below or death above?

Having dealt harshly with a few ghasts and ghouls, not to mention a dragon, what's the party's next move?

Read the Report
6th Dec 2020

Session 15: Off to the Moathouse

Is the moathouse simply home to some roving bandits or something else entirely...

Read the Report
22nd Nov 2020

Session 14: Elmo Opens Up

The captain of the militia begins to reveal his concerns

Read the Report
15th Nov 2020

Session 13: What's Next

Chris G. is the guest DM, so I have no idea what's going to happen, excpet that I get to play Elmo Guildas as a PC!

Read the Report
4th Nov 2020

Session 12: Where's Elmo

Some of the party is lead on a chase to find Elmo Guidas, captain of the Daggerford militia.

Read the Report
25th Oct 2020

Session 11: Are we there yet?

Have the werewolves of Julkhoun been defeated? Who was the Baron, anyway? What do we do with Mitchy?

Read the Report
18th Oct 2020

Session 10: In the Bowels of the Dragon's Breath

Light seeps out from around the door at the end of the hallway of bones. What lies beyond?

Read the Report
4th Oct 2020

Session 9: Rescue Mission vs Secomber--which has more fangs?

Will the party investigate 'hotel werewolf' or continue to Secomber (or both)? The choice is theirs.

Read the Report
27th Sep 2020

Session 8: Should I Stay or Should I go?

The party has returned to Daggerford and now must report to the Duke. They will later be faced with a choice that may decide their fate...

Read the Report
20th Sep 2020

Session 7: Decisions, Decisions

Having just defeated a Drow supply outpost at the edge of the Misty Forest, the party must now decide what to do. Return to Daggerford to get their bearings? Follow-up their current leads (Darnarest's Tower, Secomber, Daggerford Royalty) ? Abandon adventuring and open a pie shop?

Read the Report
13th Sep 2020

Session 6: Leaving the Misty Forest

Having destroyed the Drow leaders in their Tree Fortress, where will the adventurers turn?

Read the Report
You can view the live streams of play here: https://www.twitch.tv/arhmin

This story is told by

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