Session 57: Tigers, oh my! Report

General Summary

So much time has passed since we last checked in on our heroes that a poor, procrastinating DM can't keep up!   (But here goes) Orlac's distrust of Cannoness Y'Dey in the Temple convinced the others that she must be an imposter. Beaufort continued to defend her, but after intense questioning, and attacks, even he was convinced (Tymaret's determination that she was a fiend helped). In the end they destroyed the Cannoness who was actually a Rakshasa in disguise. This fiend was killed an returned to hell.   The party moved back into the entrance corridor to this lower level and engaged the second Iron Golem guardian. This was a hard fought battle, not made easier by the surprise appearance of a human spell caster and a half-orc assassin. While the caster used a Spiritual Guardian spell to deter our heroes, the assassin attacked under the cloak of invisibility. The caster and iron golem were eventually defeated but the assassin escaped.   Now our heroes hear drums to the north. Beaufort's Arcane Eye has spied some evil ritual in process. Will the heroes be able to stop it?

Rewards Granted

1 x Rakshasa: 10,000
1 x Iron Golem: 15,000
1 x Ogre: 450
1 x spell caster: 8,400
  XP per PC: 8, 460!

Battle is Brought to the Temple

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
22 Apr 2022

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