Session 59: the aboleth! Report

General Summary

And behind the curtain floated the aboleth, encased in a water elemental. Instantly the battle was joined with our heroes levelling attacks at the timeless aberration. Beaufort's pike thrusts were proving no match for the creature and its watery cocoon, but the creature was also unable to mentally enslave any of the party. The battle became one of attrition, Tymaret's sword versus, the creatures spells and disease ridden mucus. Beaufort's anti-magic field was able to   But then wait? What? Emmanuel Woodsmoke strode back into the evil temple. By casting Hex upon the aboleth, Em allowed Tymaret to use his Talisman of Pure Good to advantage. After dawing upon the power of the Talisman, the pits of hell opened beneath the creature and swallowed it within roaring flames. The second, and last of the Triad, was dead. All rejoiced in their success.   With the creature gone the adventurers examined the surrounding chambers. The only move seemed to be down a long corridor to the east, that ended in a multi-pointed room. Upon the foor in the room was engraved a 20' wide magic circle in fiery red. The heroes stepped in to the circle as one and felt themselves shifted to another plane.   Immediately they were in a diamond-shaped room with 8 black stone doors and brass fittings. The heat of the place was unbearable. A salamander stood near a throne and seemed unconcerned with the visitors. Upon questioning the creature indicated the heroes were free to leave through any door they like. The elemental was slain by the party for his aloof hospitality.   Choosing one of the eight doors the party traversed a 10' wide corridor and upon reaching an intersection entered the chamber of two fire giants. Like the salamander, the giants seemed somewhat ambivalent at the arrival of humans and demi-humans in cultist robes. Still, they were itching for a fight and without much in the way of pleasant conversation, they got it. This battle tested the heroes as fire giant broad swords clashed against armour and bone. In the end, the giants were slain, but the heroes too were injured and succumbing to the heat. Leomund's Tiny Hut was cast and the party spent 8 hours of relative peace inside its salubrious climate.

Rewards Granted

4,000 xp per pc for aboleth, fire giants, salamander and entering the fire node.

Tymaret confronts the aboleth!


(backed up by Mika, then Em, and you can just make out Beaufort's head around the corner)

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
23 May 2022
Primary Location
The Temple of Elemental Evil

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