Session 46: The Outer Fane is Done! Report

General Summary

Having defeated the dragon, ogres, and Hedrack, the heroes cautiously probed several corridors. First a storeroom with copious supplies including a potion bottle shaped like a dragon, mouth plugged by a cork. Myka took this potion, but couldn't determine it's effects.
  The party next moved down to a vast library with books on countless subjects, but mostly of an evil bent: "Tharizdun for Dummmies"; "Eats, Shoots, and Shoots Again"; "Dante's Omnibus"; "Holiday Rentals of the Nine Hells" and others. From there Myka carefully ascended a spiral staircase into a reading room and spied further into a contemplative prayer chamber. The rest of the party followed and explored nearby rooms: a vestry with locked box and multiple purple robes, the same as gained from Hedrack's bedchamber; hallways; guardposts.
  Speaking of the later, as the heroes moved through the corridors, arrows rained forth from a metal wall comprising the guard post while they were investigating a chamber with two Naga. Attacked on two fronts, the heroes advanced on the Naga, but Emmanuel Woodsmoke and Orlac were trapped by portcullusesississi in a hallway. The Naga, fearing nothing, attacked with fang and spell, while plate mailed bugbears rained arrows upon the party. The Naga were defeated and attention shifted toward the bugbears, several more of whom had emerged form the guardroom. A prolonged battled began.
  A spell caster in the guardroom cast Guardian of Faith in the middle of the battlefield and this spectral warrior kept the heroes at bay for some time. Bugbear arrows and swords battled the steel brandished by Tymaret and Barbados. Em and Orlac took what shots they could at bugbears hiding around corners, and after several attacks were able to break through.
  In the guard room the elf War Priest, Tymaret and Myka engaged in battle. A test of spells and steel commenced with Tymaret bolding casting Counterspell to neutralize a damning magic cast by the priest. Undaunted, the evil cleric attacked with maul and brawn. Myka brandished the tentacle rod won in battle from Hedrack, the sight of which sent the evil priest into a rage. The priest assailed the tabaxi, sending her to the ground with mighty blows from her maul.
  The evil priest's victory was short-lived; as she turned her wrath towards Tymaret, the paladin leveled his sword at her heart and cut the life from her. She fell and lay next to Myka, believing she had at least relieved one soul of it's oerthly confines.
  However, by this time the battle had ended. Orlac cast a healing prayer upon Myka, bringing him back from the edge of death. The other heroes came to the guardpost to heal themselves and take stock. Orlac recognized the evil priest for Naquent, and thought back to the correspondence they had found addressed to Dunrat in Secomber (Session 14: Elmo Opens Up Report, Session 23: the journey to Llorkh Report).
  The day's battle had been won, but the war is not over.

Missions/Quests Completed

Monster XP:
Spirit Naga x 2: 7,800
Bugbears (buffed) x 7: 3,150
Naquent (warpriest) x 1: 5,000
  Total XP per PC: 3,190

Tharizdun, what you're up against.

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
08 Nov 2021

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