Session 48: Climbing the Tower Report

General Summary

With a charmed Hedrack in tow the party ascended two or three levels within the Inner Fane, the Dreaming Stone taking up more and more of the circular levels. Both Vrocks and Night Hags prowled these levels and after defeating these guardians, the party explored more closely the monstrous stone.   Emmanuel Woodsmoke, Tymaret, and Orlac all drank of the cinnamon draughts and were able to enter the stone as if it was a violet miasma. Once inside their minds were almost shattered as they were briefly linked with the thoughts of Tharizdun, his dark whispers, most of which made no sense, as if listening to someone softly mutter sinister things in their sleep. The mental fortitude of these three staved off permanent communion with the Dark Lord.   While Tymaret and Em left the stone, Barbados moved about and slew the seven humanoids and demi-humans floating within the stone, most dressed as if they were high clerics of the evil god.   Again, up a level, to a game of chance that would test Tymaret mightily. A skeleton, an avatar of Tharizdun's chaos, sat behind a deck of cards, shadowed by the bulk of the dreaming stone. The skeleton offered the heroes a choice of cards, any number, and they would reap whatever boon or pain the fates decide. Tymaret did what he must as a Paladin of Lady Luck, and chose seven cards. The first draw altered his life irrevocably: Donjon. Tymaret disappeared with his clothes and possessions falling to the floor. The skeleton cackled, a dark tombstone laugh, telling that Tymaret was now locked away in some demi-plane for eternity. At this Mike flew into a rage and destroyed the skeleton, but as he dealt the killing blow he was cursed by Tharizdun (-2 on attack, damage, and skill checks; can be rescinded by Remove Curse). Tymora may yet remember her paladin's faithfulness.   Confused, and after picking through Tym's possessions, the party climbed the iron stair to what must be, perhaps, the penultimate level (as the stair continued). They emerged in a room revealed by Orlac's scrying, a room where Hedrack was disciplined by The First. Two doors led from this room and to right they first entered the horrifying bed chamber-torture dungeon of The Third. The Third, a half-djinn-half-human creature, attacked swiftly with magically grappling air and devastating necrotic spells aimed at Barbados. Incredulous to the outcome and screaming to her death, The Third eventually succumbed to the onslaught. The stain where marking her demise contained only her clothes, a falchion, and a pair of bracers. The last taken by Barbados.   Through another door they entered the chamber of The First. This battle too, was intense; Barbados left for dead by a Fire Storm and Tentacle Rod wielded by The First. Before the representative of Tharizdun could be killed he disappeared, as if magically teleported.   The party now have a moment to consider their choices. The iron staircase beckons.

Rewards Granted

  Night Hag x 3: 5,400
Vrock x 2: 4,600
The Third: 10,000
  XP per PC: 5,000

A ritual of chance mimicking the chaos of Tharizdun

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
30 Nov 2021

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