Session 37: the demon you know Report

General Summary

After defeating the Grey Render, the party took refuge in his lair, but their rest was short lived as human scouts began to harry them. They followed a scout through doors leading into dungeon rooms attached to the mines. They lost site of the scout, but happened upon a troglodyte priest of the Earth Temple residing in richly appointed chambers. The priest demanded to know why the party had intruded upon an honoured guest, but before conversation could develop, more aggressive negotiations took the fore. After a few eldritch blast entreaties, the troglodyte disappeared, stepping back into a magically summoned portal.
  Following the corridor seemingly taken by the scout, the party encountered a dire bear chained and guarding the way forward, a dead scout on the floor. Tymaret and Barbados slew the crazed beast and the party cautiously moved into the chamber beyond. As Tymaret moved forward, arrows from an ambush down a corridor caught him by surprise. Several scouts and trolls attacked the party from a widened area in the corridor that also held four statues of evil elemental power. A back and forth battle began with arrow fire and troll attacks. A human monk and a spell-casting wererat also engaged the party. After quickly casting lightning bolt and a few moments in combat, the wererat ran to escape through a large adjoining chamber.
  The large chamber was dominated by a recently painted summoning circle, stretching across the floor's width. Furniture, including tables, chairs, benches and barrels were stacked into the room's corners. As the wererat crossed the circle boundary he yelled out a warning in common, but too late, as Tymaret had caught up with the lycanthrope and cut him down with his sword. Too late indeed, though, as a large demon appeared behind Tymaret. Battle now focused on the Glabrezu, a demon of temptation with huge pincer-arms and second set of human arms emerging from its chest. The demon's pincers grabbed the heroes dealing crushing wounds and incapacitating them. Orlac and the tabaxi cast entangle, silence and other spells to little effect. The demon dispelled these lesser magics and continued to assault Tymaret and Barbados who had now joined the battle. The demon was hugely powerful and brought everyone to the brink of death, unconscious, save for Orlac. At the battle's end, only the demon and Tymaret stood face to face. As the demon lunged, Tymaret was able to strike first and laid the death blow upon it. The demon howled in rage, sent back to the abyss in a pillar of smoke and flame as Tymaret sank to his knees. Orlac and the paladin administered what aid they could to their fallen comrades, reviving each in turn, except for Barbados. As they turned towards his crumpled form, he gave out a gasp and his breathing settled, alive, for now.

Rewards Granted

Dire Bear x 1 : 450 xp
Scout x 5: 500 xp
Monk x 1: 700 xp
Troll x 2: 3600 xp
Wererat M-U: 2000 xp
Glabrezu x 1: 5000 xp
  Total Monster xp: 12,250
Adventure advancement xp: 500
  Total xp per PC: 2,550

A demonic circle brought forth a Glabrezu, tempters of the abyss

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
03 Sep 2021

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