Session 50: the Inner Fane routed?! Report

General Summary

Our heroes descended the Inner Fane to the ground level and engaged the dragon-dinosaurs. Through a series of feints and fireballs they were able to defeat the monstrosities, but soon after the sentient door to the tower unleashed a barrage of lighting bolts upon them. Thus a battle with the door ensued. Orlac cast Wall of Flame and missile fire from Tymaret and others helped to eventually destroy the door, but only after it had also summoned a Water Elemental. In the end, it hung asunder, revealing the blasted landscape beyond.   After much searching the heroes found a sliding panel in the room and it revealed a cavity with a single, raised black stud. Emmanuel Woodsmoke found this while invisible and upon touching it was transported to another level in the tower. Nobody in the party saw this happen, but soon others saw the exposed recess. All but Orlac touched the stud and disappeared. Orlac was content to rest in the room and cast Commune with his deity. He learned that the Talisman of Pure Good was accessible within the Inner Fane, but not through any "door" in the room.   Meanwhile the rest of the party found themselves in the world's most hideous torture chamber. Four tables were arrayed around the room with innumerable complex toruture devices attached to them. Tubes were also attached to the victims, directly and through torture devices, and these transported a black liquid into the walls of the room. A Dao torture-master stood in the centre of the room over-seeing the pain inflicted on each humanoid on the tables: an elf, an orc, and two humans, one of them Beaufort de Montague!   But first the Dao. The heroes quickly engaged this elemental creature and it responded by cutting a black tube and spraying Barbados with liquid pain. A battle of swords ensued with the Dao earth gliding to different sections of the chamber. While others battled the creature, Emmanuel investigated the torture victims on the tables, all moaning and writhing in pain. Cutting the tubes seemed to ease their suffering, somewhat, but this was unclear.   The Dao was destroyed and the party was left wondering: where is Orlac, and can we save Beaufort?

Rewards Granted

Monster XP:
Tyrano-dragons x 2: 10,000
Inner Fane door: 5,000
Water Elemental: 1,500
Dao torturer: 4,000
  Total XP per PC: 4,300

Tyrano-dragons guarding the Inner Fane
Daggerford Militia
Report Date
10 Jan 2022

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