Session 52: hang in there baby! Report

General Summary

The heroes were left hanging, hanging  from their hands on rings in the ceiling of an upside-down glass pyramid at the base of the Inner Fane. They could see the roiling lava beneath them, and the four Neogi hunting them. A strange battle ensued with Neogi attempting to mentally enslave the heores (Mika succumbed to this) slash them, and all the while the heores fighting one-handed, as best they could. The Neogi were destroyed, with the help fo some gymnastics by Emmanuel Woodsmoke and Guardian of Faith cast by Orlac.   The heores made their way back up the sub-levels of the Inner Fane and on the way destroyed the Dire Library (some of the rarest books of evil in the world!) and the Triad's teleport map, but only after the latter was used to place the heroes just outside the walls of Daggerford. Orlac cast Meld Stone to destroy the map and then used his Stick of Returning to join his comrades at Daggerford.   Happy to be back in the town of many old memories, the party spent a day recuperating, but were soon back east, at the urging of the Duke and after Beaufort's audience with the noble the party was gifted supplies and horses (Theodore, Laserdisk, Sunny, Biscuit, Hades, and Bunny). Beaufort as well sought out the temple of Lovitar and dedicated himself to this diety, gaining a level in Paladin.   After a short stay in the village, the heroes travelled to an abandoned farmhouse near the temple, having learned that the cult had a secret entrance in a well. As they approached Beaufort sensed a fiendish presence, but upon investigation it was gone -- and two ogres climbed out of the well. After defeating the ogres the party descended and found a passage leading into tunnels that appeared to have been recently cleaned of rubble, in some places newly reinforced with fresh timber. The winding tunnel led eventually to a corner and upon turning it the party found additional passages and doors. As they approached the doors, ogres in all-too-familiar black platemail burst forth, brandishing great swords.

Rewards Granted

Neogi x 4: 2800
Ogre x 2: 900
  Adventure Advancement:
Leave routed Inner Fane: 5000
    Total per PC: 1,740

Neogi, vile enslavers.

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
25 Jan 2022
Primary Location
The Temple of Elemental Evil

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