Session 32: Attack at the Water Temple! Report

General Summary

Midnight Snow peered behind the seaweed curtin and saw the kua-toa cum devil kneeling in front of a bowl, swaying with the hazy smoke from a smouldering hooka. Without much discussion, the party burst into the chamber, Khusrov (Barbados) in the lead, to battle the demon. Before they could kill him in his lair, the kua-toa cast a cloud of piranha around himself (itself?) (Spirit Guardians) and flew into the main chamber charging right towards poor rescued farmer Darren, who succumbed to the piranaha onslaught. With a few more blows from the party the strange kua-toa was dead.   While examing the Kua-toa's lair (seaweed, fishblood (?) in a bowl of bones, incense), Emmanuel Woodsmoke found a hidden hole covered by a rock, upon nudging the rock aside with his foot a flash of blue light erupted from the rock and engulfed Em. The strange light bestowed the curse of the Slippery Eel upon him (affected by a bestow curse imparting disadvantage on all Dex saves and ability checks until the curse is removed by remove curse.) Stunned and dropping to his knees, Em peered in the hole and pulled out two items, a bottle of some kind of grayish oil and a metal rod with a button on one end.   The party pushed along a corridor, down some rough-hewn stairs and into a water-filled corridor. Orlac ritually cast Water Walk on the party and they were able to move atop the water's surface. The corridor opened into a massive cavern, perahps 120' long, filled with water and open on the right to Stalagos, the icy waters within the crater. About 60' from the party within the cavern stood a 50' square platform in the water, atop it three pools and a clear cube-altar with a knife and two fish-shaped metal horns atop it.   Before they could reach the platform three Sahuagin-like creatures in the water began to fire under-water crossbows at the party. Most ran for the platform, but Em stayed behind to battle the creatures. Eventually, he too made for the platform, while the rest of the party cast spells (fog cloud, silence, fireball) and fired missile weapons. More Sahuagin and Kua-toa flooded into the cavern and joined the battle, while a leather clad Sahuagin lept upon the platform and wrestled the fish-horns from Orlac, who had collected them earlier. The beast dove into the water, only to have Khusrov (Barbados) dive in and grapple him. Wrestling for a few tense moments, the Sahuagin broke free and swam to the entrance corridor. Khusrov (Barbados) gave chase, running across the water and confronted the creature. The Sahuagin looked at the barbarian and blew up on the horns.   A large Water Elemental emerged next to the Barbarian and immediately attacked. Khusrov (Barbados) was joined by Emmanuel and Orlac and the three eventually sent the evil elemental back to its plane, and the Sahuagin to a watery grave. Upon the Sahuagin was a key, similar to those found in the Earth Temple, but with a blue square emobssed upon it.   Now the party has regrouped upon the platform, wet, bloodied, but alive. And Tymaret has a nice ornamental sword made of seashells that he found in a side chamber.

Rewards Granted

Kua-toa-fiend (modified) = 1000 XP
Kua-toa x 6 = 300 XP
Sahuagin Baron (modified) x 3 = 3000
Sahuagin = 700
Water Elemental = 1,800   Total monster XP = 8800
  Adventure advancement XP = 1000   Tymaret, Orlac, Midnight, Khursrov/Barbados, and Emmanuel each earn 1,960 XP

Death of the Kua-toa-devil (at background) & The Water Temple

Orlac, foreground, peers down the steps and into the corridor leading to the Water Temple Cavern.  
Don't get in the water...
Daggerford Militia
Report Date
30 May 2021

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