Session 10: In the Bowels of the Dragon's Breath Report

General Summary

What lies beyond the black (metal) door?   First, however, the antechamber: our heroes left the corridor of bones, and dead carrion crawlers, to enter a plain room with doors left and right and a black metal door opposite. Mitchy, tied to Garadin's back like a small child, had little recollection of this place (so he said).   To the right door first where the heroes found a caged Xorn being fed silver coins, platters, cutlery, the occasional silver weapon, candlesticks, and other shiny items by two wretched captives of the Baron. Beaufort De Montague convinced these poor people that he was in league with the Baron and, after some confused back and forth during which Beaufort found both a silver bedpan and sliver magical longsword in the pile, the captives agreed to stay and feed the Xorn while Beaufort and his band left. The heroes surmised that the Xorn was in place to rid the area of silver.   To the left of the antechamber the heroes happened upon cells and malicious guards. Quickly dispatching the guards, the cell-bound prisoners were released. They were grateful, but confused.   After releasing additional prisoners, the families of the tavern staff and musical band, Midnight Snow picked the lock on the black metal door. Entering the chamber the heroes happened upon a blood-sport about to commence: a seasoned fighter in black leather armour was to battle a poor peasant woman, the fight adjudicated by a werewolf and watched by the Baron, sitting on a red velvet chair, a white dragon wyrmling at his feet.   The Baron demanded that one of our heroes battle the black-clad fighter for better sport. Garadin excepted the challenge, much to the dismay of Mitchy, tied to his back and holding a silver turkey platter as a shield. As the fight commenced the fighter feinted at Garadin and lunged for the Baron, only to be frozen mid-leap by the wyrmling Gleycreras. The Baron lost his patience, shaped changed into a half-human-half-dragon creature and roared a hail of hail (and ice) at Garadin and Snow. The battle was joined by all, with the werewolf attempting to infect Emmanuel with the curse, but ultimately the beast was not successful. The dragon-Baron fell to his death, weeping, upon his wyrmling pet.   All was not over! The Xorn broke free and charged the heroes, but in the end was blown to bits of gravel by a well-placed Beaufort-fired ray of frost.   What began as a night of rest, ale, and food, had turned into a werewolf hunt through unknown passageways beneath a pleasant village tavern. Now our heroes stand deep underground in an antechamber surrounded by recent captives, miserable townsfolk, and a bug-eyed gnome baker.

Rewards Granted

1000 xp per PC

Character(s) interacted with

Emmanuel has been questioning Garadin about his faith. Why follow Torm? What's in it for you, personally, and similar queries. Emmanuel broke off the conversation bemused.

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
18 Oct 2020

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