Session 39: what evil in the inner fane? Report

General Summary

The party made their way north from the warriors' barracks and encountered a room with a four-sided column. Each side depicted a human, warriors and priests, and each coloured differently, deep black, blood red, dark green and indigo. This column was not similar to the other depictions of elemenatl evil in the crater ridge complex, but it was obviously related to columns hidden beneath the moathouse -- discovered long weeks ago (Session 16: Moathouse Dungeon--death below or death above? Report) -- there must be a connection between these evil locations.
  A door out of the room led to a dark and sumptuous bed chamber. Black silks covered the bed, writhing tentacle statues in the corners, an opulent tea service, and black stone bath indicated the quarters of a very important person. A sense of evil came from the room. Tapestries on the walls depicted scenes of everyday village life, but upon closer inspection revealed sinister tropes, an evil smile here, a flashing sacrificial dagger there, eyes that stared back at you, full of horror. A book shelf and locked chest emanated abjuration magic and promised treasures within. The chest remained locked despite the best efforts of Orlac and Michorizzal. A moment later Emmanuel Woodsmoke's mage hand pulled a book from the bookshelf triggering a blast of necrotic energy that caught Micho just oustide the chamber door, dealing incredible damage, almost killing the tabaxi druid-rogue. The necrotic energy continued to emmate from the room, so the party retreated and discussed their next move. Emmanuel did, however, manage to take a purple robe from a hook near the door.
  The heroes took another passage out of the column room and were quickly presented with two choices: move down a corridor where the walls are covered in horrible scenes of sacrafice, bestiality, carnage, and necorphilia -- ending in a door and a descending spiral staircase; a second way led to a wide hallway, a processional of sorts. The party chose the later and were immediately attacked by three flesh golems emerging from mucus covered alcoves, the entire area cold to the soul (but the purple cloak donned by Emmanuel seemed to protect him). The Golems were clearly guarding the processional way as they attacked only those within its confines, but the heroes managed to defeat them. The processional led down a wide corridor, carvings of supplicants on its walls and ending in double-doors. Another corridor as well led away from the golems. Choices.   Tymaret, strangely, recalled the enizens of the crater ridge mines mentioning the Doomdreamers -- a name the adventures also found in a priest's journal at the Moathouse (Excerpts from the Journal of Geynor Ton) -- and he wondered if they had indeed wandered into their doom...

Rewards Granted

Monster XP
Flesh Golem x 3: 5,400
  Adventure Advancement:
  Total of 1,280 XP per PC.

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
18 Sep 2021

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