Session 28: the Crater Ridge Mines Report

General Summary

The party had just finished a pitched battle inside an entrance to the crater ridge mines -- dead gnolls, humans, a howler, zombies and other creature carcasses were strewn about. The only enemy left alive was Mereclar, a half-elf ranger, apparently a "captain of the guard". As Beaufort De Montague and Midnight Snow moved in to question him, a booming knock sounded from the barred entrance gate! Khusrov had finally left the fighting pits of the Silk Scabbard in Llorkh and tracked his comrades here. After much rejoicing, the friends turned their attention to Mereclar. At the same time Emmanuel Woodsmoke and Orlac ventured down a northern passage to investigate some Troglodytes investigating.   Mereclar bargained for his life with Beaufort. The mage granted Mereclar leave for information, and Mereclar warned of a dragon to the south. With that, Beaufort, true to his worldview and upbrining, let Mereclar go and the half-elf left through the main door.   Meanwhile, venturing North Emmanuel and Orlac encountered rough-hewn, ancient dwarven passages...and troglodytes. Gathering the party together, they ventured forth. Almost immediately they encountered more Trogs including a priestess with an earth elemental and a sword master troglodyte. After a few trogs fell, the party relied upon their purloined cultists robes and holy symbols to convince their enemy to lay down arms. Emmanuel's charm served them wall and the priestess and swordmaster took the party to Uskathon, temple leader in this area. Emmanuel convinced Uskathon to take them to a bride crossing Stalagos and leading to the inner temple. However, before they reached this destination, the party changed tack, demanded to rest within Beaufort's Leomond's Tiny Hut and regain their strength.
  After a few minutes of tense stand-off the party attacked from the "saftey" of the hut. However, the priestess sent her earth elemental below ground and up into the hut, shattering it. A full battle then raged, swordmaster, priestess, elemental and Uskathon. Eventually, our heroes prevailed, but at a cost. Emmanuel and Midnight are damaged; the party is in enemy territory; troglodytes, mephits, who-knows-what-else; is aware of their presence. What will they do next?

Rewards Granted

1 x zombie = 50
5 x trogs = 250
1 x Earth Elemental = 1800
1 x trog sword master = 700
1 x trog priestess = 450 Uskathoth, trog priest-warrior = 2900
  total monster xp = 6450
adventure advancement = 2000
  total per PC (Orlac, Em, Beaufort, Khusrov, Midnight) = 1690 each

A (vintage) troglodyte attacks Orlac & an overview of the Crater Mines-Dungeon

Daggerford Militia
Report Date
07 May 2021

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